We often hear people talk about how painful the root canal is and how it spoils the look of your teeth. The root canal dental treatment is also known as Endodontic dental treatment. The tooth consists of two parts: the crown, and the root. The crown is the white part above the gums, which we can see and the root is the part below the gums that has the bones, pulp, nerves, and blood vessels connected to it.  The hollow space between the crown and the root has a soft tissue known as the dental pulp. Decay can cause the pulp to become irritated, inflamed, or infected. This decay is repeated dental procedures, cracks, or trauma to the mouth. If this happens, it requires Endodontic dental treatment.

Endodontic means “inside the tooth” and is generally done in one or two visits to the dentist or endodontist. First, an examination in the form of X-rays or diagnosis is done by the dentist to study the tooth. If there is some infection or injury inside the pulp, a series of treatments are presented. If the patient opts for the Endodontic dental treatment, then the procedure is started.

  • In the first step, local anesthesia is used to numb the surrounding areas and the part of the damaged tooth. To shield the mouth from fluids and debris, the tooth is protected with a thin layer of rubber (rubber dam).
  • In the second step, the dentist makes a small access hole on the tooth surface for decontamination and with very small papers, removes the diseased and dead pulp tissue. It should cover everything inside the root canal.
  • The third step includes filling the insides of the root canal with a rubber-like material. Then the dentist shapes the tooth using tiny files and irrigation solutions and, using adhesive cement to seal off the canals fully.
  • The fourth step is optional but quite important to ensure no harm is done further to the treated tooth. It involves placing a crown or other protection on the top of the tooth to protect it completely. Unless the step fourth is done, the treated tooth cannot be used normally for chewing and other functions. The tooth is dead following root canal treatment. The patient will no longer experience any discomfort in that tooth due to the removal of the nerve tissue and the elimination of the infection. And the tooth is now going to be more delicate than it was before. A tooth without a pulp must get its nutrition from the ligament that attaches the tooth to the bone. This supply is adequate but the tooth will become more brittle in time, so a crown or filling provides protection.

One of the most widespread beliefs about this treatment says that it is very painful. But it is not entirely true. A proper endodontic dental treatment carried out by a professional and well-trained dental surgeon, dentist, or an endodontist is relatively painless. The pain normally comes from the infection and not the treatment, as the dentist gives anesthesia in the beginning to numb the pain. If the pain is still there after the few days of treatment, OTC pain relief medications or prescription drugs such as codeine are given. Join our course designed to help Dentists become more proficient with instrumentation and Endodontics treatment and re-treatment. Click here https://docmode.org/endodontics/