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Socio-economic inequalities persist in asthma diagnosis across India

A group of researchers analysed the National Sample Survey during 2017-18 to understand the prevalence of socio-economic inequalities in Asthma diagnosis in India and found that with higher age and urban-rural divide, the prevalence of asthma increased. Out of the 300 million people with asthma worldwide, India alone is home for 6% of children and 2% of adults suffering from this chronic disease. A common notion of disparity persists in terms of health outcomes across the poor and better-off section of the society. 

The research team said that they had collected the data of almost 5,55,289 individuals from the National Sample Survey (NSS), compiled by the National Sample Survey Organization (NSSO) to analyse the inequality prevailing in Asthma diagnosis. 

The team found that although 2 per 1000 had asthma in the whole population, it differed greatly over age groups and places of residences. The team said that it was significantly affected by cooking fuel, source of drinking water, wastage disposal facilities etc.

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