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Rise of the Combined Dental and Aesthetics Clinic

Cosmetic dentistry/ Dental and Aesthetics  is generally used to refer to any dental work that improves the appearance (though not necessarily the functionality) of teeth, gums and/or bite. It primarily focuses on improvement in dental aesthetics in color, position, shape, size, alignment and overall smile appearance. Many dentists refer to themselves as "cosmetic dentists" regardless of their specific education, specialty, training, and experience in this field. This has been considered unethical with a predominant objective of marketing to patients.

Dental and Aesthetics may involve:

Facial Treatment

Wrinkle reduction (otherwise known as Botox®) is a natural substance derived from a micro-organism which relaxes muscles and reduces the appearance of wrinkles from underneath the surface of the skin.

Teeth whitening

It is the most common cosmetic procedure but before that, it is necessary to evaluate that will bleaching will resolve the problem or not. In some cases the different cosmetic procedure can meet the aesthetic expectation; on the other hand, bleaching is a safe, fast and easy procedure that shows instant effect.


Reshaping of the tooth involves removing a part of the enamel to improve the appearance of the tooth. it may be used to correct a slight chip or to alter the shape size and position of teeth. It is also known as enameloplasty, odontoplasty, contouring, recontouring, slenderizing, stripping

Gum lift

A gum lift is a cosmetic dental procedure that raises and sculpts the gum line. The procedure involves reshaping the tissue and underlying bones to create the appearance of longer or more symmetrical teeth.

And more

In a recent survey 90% of GPs claimed that they had considered offering facial aesthetic treatments to their patients. However, in the same poll it was revealed that most decided against the practice mostly because they feared their lack of knowledge about the legal and marketing requirements, the required training obligations and concerns over the media horror stories about botched procedures.

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