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Sports informatics: a new interdiscipline in sports science

 Recently Sports informatics, a new interdisciplinary field is on rise in sports science. Report indicates Sports in Juries is a system with an emphasis on the internet application aimed at professional health care professionals, supporting the acquisition, analysis and dissemination of information about sports damage. The overview includes Return systems, command playback analysis, image / traffic analysis and data extraction and artificial intelligence 

The new interdisciplinary topic of sporting IT (Si) is on the edge of formalization and accreditation. Study aimed to identify factors associated with the use of EDC methods to collect data from athletes and team physicians in relation to major individual sports championships. Usability is defined herein as the degree to which a system can be used by specific users to achieve specific goals with efficiency, effectiveness and satisfaction in a specific context of use. EDC systems have been developed for use in large multisport events such as the IAF World Athletics Championships or the FINA World Swimming Championships.

It examines some of the progress made by its relatively small but growing research community. The exam covers Feedback Systems, Team Game Analytics, Image/Motion Analytics, Data Mining, and Artificial Intelligence. SI primarily uses computer technology and computational biology methods to discover and manage data in the health and sports fields. The data processing is based on advanced computer technology, including digital graphics technology. SI acquires knowledge by mixing, matching, and sifting from bioinformatics, health informatics, cognitive science, statistics, and exercise/sports science. SI is a new applied science in the field of physical education and sports. Study aimed to identify factors associated with the ease of use of EDC methods to collect data from athletes and team physicians associated with major individual sports championships. 

The general functioning of the SI system begins with collecting data on subjects' physiology, psychology, fitness, and specific sport movement skills. These measurement data are stored, retrieved, and analyzed by large databases with ad hoc processing. Often times, the data is collected and measured by today's advanced medical devices with advanced technical procedures and guidelines. High SI data processing is based on advanced computer technology.

In particular, digital graphics technology, SI places great emphasis on application rather than theoretical development, which applies Array Data in the following areas: 1) selection of elite athletes and predicting performance and Preventing sports injuries 2) Expand and enhance the context of health and physical education knowledge; 3) Provide a scientific approach to the management of leisure and recreational activities and exercise guidelines; 4) Develop health guidelines for Human/machine interface activities such as E-sports events on the Internet Sports informatics contains a mixture of ingredients from many disciplines such as computational biology, mathematical modeling, biochemistry, physiology, psychology, cognitive sciences, biomechanics, sports training, sports grades, and computer information management. SI is a new applied science in fitness and sports. We offer an organized effort to create a young, interdisciplinary field of sports informatics.

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