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What Are The Differences Between an Anesthetist and an Anesthesiologist?

Anesthetists and anesthesiologists are two types of medical professionals who administer anesthesia to patients during medical procedures. The basic difference Between an Anesthetist and anesthesiologist is, an anesthesiologist is a physician who specializes in anesthesiology and administers anesthesia. And an anesthetist may refer to a nurse anesthetist or a medical specialist who administers anesthetics (other than the doctor).

An anesthetist, also known as a nurse anesthetist, is a registered nurse trained to safely administer anesthesia. With specialized training in anesthesia, a nurse anesthetist can give anesthesia to a patient, monitor a patient’s vital signs during procedures, and adjust the anesthesia as needed during a procedure. A nurse anesthetist also performs all the duties of a nurse, including getting needed information about the patient and helping to manage his health.

Nurse anesthetists earn a median salary of $107,460 as of May 2016, which means half earn more and half earn less. This is significantly higher than the median salary of $37,040 for all nurse anesthetists, nurse midwives, and nurse practitioners. The top 10 percent of nurse anesthetists earn more than $175,000, while the bottom 10 percent earn around $74,000.

An anesthesiologist is a licensed medical doctor who specializes in administering anesthetics before, during, and after medical procedures. They also monitor a patient’s vitals during surgery or other procedures and adjust the anesthesia as needed. While they are trained doctors, anesthesiologists typically do not provide general medical or other surgical care.

Anesthesiologists are one of the highest-paid specialties in the medical profession, earning a median salary of $ 453,687 as of 2015. This is notably higher than the median salary of $208,000 for all physicians and surgeons

The job growth trend is similar for both a nurse anesthetist and an anesthesiologist. Both professions are expected to grow about 15 percent over the next decade, much faster than the rate of other professions. This is primarily due to a growing aging population that requires increased medical care and pain management services

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