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What is Guided biofilm therapy and why do you need it?

Over time, microorganisms produce plaque that can cover teeth and gums. This plaque is known as biofilm and in some cases can be difficult to remove completely. It forms a thick layer on the teeth and, if left untreated, can lead to infection of the periodontium and tissues around the implant. They increase the risk of diseases such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, arthritis and diabetes. A new approach named guided biofilm therapy is emerging gradually as a mode of treatment.

A clean mouth is not only important for oral health, but also for general health.

What is biofilm-guided therapy?

Guided Biofilm Therapy is a procedure that combines patient education with targeted tooth cleaning. This means that the dentist uses the exposed biofilm (plaque) as a guide when cleaning the teeth.

GBT is part of a comprehensive prevention concept that aims to maintain oral health and well-being.

Properties of biofilm-guided therapy

1)Evaluation and Examination: Your dentist will examine for oral cancer and will document your oral cavity with regular x-rays and photos.

2) Reveal: A harmless dye that physically stains plaque (soft deposits of bacteria) is applied to tooth surfaces. Without the dye, early dental plaque is clear or the color of your teeth, making it difficult to see. Dye creates different colors to match areas of old plaque (high risk of gum disease) and acidic plaque (which causes tooth decay).

3)Oral Health Education: Reveal Plaque identifies areas of the mouth that are difficult to clean properly. Your dentist can give you tips to help you brush and floss your teeth at your best. The dye helps you and your dentist ensure that GBT is followed by complete plaque removal.

4)Areas with thick plaque have a higher risk of tooth decay and gum disease. Your dentist will use it to assess your oral health risk.

Biofilm-guided therapy is truly minimally invasive. It is safe, effective and gentle on teeth, soft tissues, implants and prosthetic restorations.

GBT is an evolution of this standardized and systematic concept using new discoveries and technologies.


GBT is highly effective, minimally invasive and gentle, meaning people with gum disease, braces, crowns, bridges, veneers and implants are eligible for treatment. These procedures are so gentle that they can be used on natural teeth, dentures, braces, implants, the tongue and gums.

GBT is a great option for people looking to remove coffee, tea, wine and tobacco stains and for best results do this before whitening your teeth.

Guided Biofilm Therapy provides better results than traditional abrasive cleaning. With a growing list of benefits, GBT is an ideal treatment option for the majority of our patients.















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