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Can I Have Teeth Whitening If I Have Dental Implants or Crowns?

Dental implants are a common procedure used to restore the appearance and function of teeth. But if you already have dental implants and are thinking about whitening your teeth, you may be wondering if this procedure is right for you.

Unfortunately, dental implants are not well with teeth whitening treatments. It’s possible to whiten your teeth on a regular basis, but your implants will likely not be affected. The good news is that dental implants are inherently resistant to stains up to .

Why can’t dental implants be whitened?

Traditional whitening materials are too abrasive or will not be absorbed by the artificial tooth as it is a non-porous material. Whitening treatments have little effect on the artificial tooth and can even damage it.

The best way to ensure dental implants match your natural teeth is to whiten your teeth before surgery. So by whitening your smile beforehand, you can ensure that all of your teeth look the same after implant placement.

Do dental implants stain?

At this point you may be disappointed that dental implants cannot be bleached. High-quality porcelain crowns and veneers are highly resistant to staining, so you probably won’t need to whiten them in the future.

Surface staining is easily removed with regular brushing, flossing, and visits to the Dentist. The adhesive materials used in dental implants can discolour over time.

Fortunately, this can be easily remedied with a professional toothpaste. The simple solution is to whiten your teeth and then recreate the dental implant crown to match your new sparkling white smile.

Teeth whitening solutions use bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide to change the color of your natural tooth. Dental implants are often made with a combination of metal and porcelain on top to give the implant a natural look. Hydrogen peroxide does not attack the tooth crown.

Options for teeth whitening

There are generally two options for professional teeth whitening:

1)Interventions in the practice by a Dentist

2)Dental Kits in Office

In any case, the process is overseen by the dentist to ensure the desired results are achieved. There are several home kits on the market that do not require dental supervision, but results can be mixed, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the brand before using the product.


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