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Cancer killing cells misdirected towards visceral fat, study finds

Trinity Study finds cancer killing cells misdirected towards visceral fat. The purpose of this narrative review is to summarize the historical advances in our understanding of cancer metabolism about the mechanism by which obesity affects cancer. Finally, recent work has drawn attention to additional intrinsic and extrinsic features of cancer metabolism. 

Regulation of internal metabolic pathways by external growth factors Circulating insulin and IGF1 mainly converge with internal metabolic pathways of cancer cells by binding to receptors on their cell surface, especially insulin and IGF1R receptors. Insulin can also bind to and activate heteromers IGF1R and IR, and IGF1R can be formed.

 Regulation of internal cancer metabolism by growth factors associated with obesity. Targeting Growth Factor Signaling and Cancer Metabolism: Pharmacological and Dietary Examples. Since growth factors can strongly influence the metabolic stage of cancer cells, therapy that processes these signals from an external and internal perspective has the potential to improve cancer prognosis, especially for obese people.

Attempts to attenuate cancer metabolism by simultaneously limiting the availability of internal and external substrates are being investigated. Review explores lessons learned from obesity and cancer research to discuss promising intrinsic and extrinsic cellular targets for cancer prevention, in particular, to sever the link between obesity and cancer. 

The most obese cancer patients had the fewest naturally occurring cancer-killing cells in their tumours. That’s according to new research that also identifies a biological pathway that drugs can target to minimize the useless migration of NK cells from tumours where they can fight cancer. The team found an inverse correlation between visceral obesity and NK cells in tumours so that the most obese patients had the lowest number of NK cells in tumours. Scientists have determined that a protein called fractalkine plays an important role in attracting NK cells to visceral fat and changing their activity. 

 They experimentally demonstrated that this pathway can be directed to a drug to reduce the level of NK cells displaced from the tumour. Study showed the most obese patients with gastric and oesophagal cancer have the fewest natural cancer cells in their tumours. Also many works have confirmed that visceral obesity in these patients has serious implications for the immune response against cancer.

Natural killer cells or cancer killing cells were aspirated into the visceral fat of these patients using the protein fractalkine, where they are altered and even depleted so that cancer-killing immune cells cannot reach the tumour and fight it in large numbers. Visceral fat in these cancer patients can be significantly reduced with a targeted drug called fractalkine.

New cancer research from Trinity College Dublin has found a mechanism associated with certain cancers that causes oncogenic natural killer cells to be redirected away from a target tumour. A study published in the Journal of Immunology found that most obese cancer patients had the lowest number of NK cells in their tumours. NK cells can directly kill tumour cells and thus represent an area of ​​interest in the development of future therapeutic agents. 

Research shows that these cells migrate instead to visceral adipose tissue, such as the fat around the stomach. Their research has identified a potentially drug-targeted biological pathway to stop this useless migration of NK cells and instead direct them to tumours to help the body fight cancer. There is no doubt that obesity is associated with an increased risk of cancer, and the abundance of carbohydrates in our diets is one of the main causes of the global obesity epidemic. 

The main cause of obesity is eating more calories than you can burn in a given period. All you do with the fats you swallow is burn them for energy. The fat you put into your fat cells is usually carbohydrates, but it took us 25 years to realize this, and as we recently learned, several groups have tried to hinder or hinder research. “Kill” sugar cancer simply by changing your diet. Since your body has this interesting safety system that never allows your blood sugar to fall below a certain value, consuming less sugar forces your body to use other sources of sugar, the remaining energy to produce the same sugar itself. 

 Everything about your biology has been the result of natural selection over at least 600 million years to ensure that no matter what you eat, you keep enough glucose in your body and not be deficient. This is why it is so difficult to influence the system by changing your diet. Eat a balanced diet, avoid too many carbohydrates, especially refined, fibre-free and other foods with added sugar, and do your best to lose weight.