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Evidence based treatment – Why does it matter for cancer patients?

Evidence-based medicine includes three key components research-based evidence, clinical expertise (i.e. the clinician’s accumulated experience, knowledge, and clinical skills), and the patient’s values and preferences. Evidence-based medicine is not just about using evidence to design treatment plans; It also encourages a dialogue between patients and providers, so patients can share in the decision-making and make their values and preferences known. Together, cancer patients and provider can determine an appropriate course of action or no course of action if that’s on the joint decision. The benefit of this approach is that providers listen to patient concerns and take them into consideration to determine the appropriate treatment plan.

The complexity of cancer patients and the diverse treatment options available exacerbate the challenges of developing an evidence base that will adequately support clinical decision making. There are hundreds of different types of cancer, with multiple stages of disease (e.g., precancer, early-stage disease, metastatic disease). The multiple treatment modalities and combination strategies for cancer treatment necessitate coordinated teams of professionals with multiple skill sets.

Both publicly and privately funded research will be necessary to improve the evidence base for cancer care. With the acceleration of the value-based payment movement that will continue in the years ahead, there is an increasing need for clinicians to have access to the best available evidence to make the best possible decisions to achieve the best possible outcomes. Clinicians must practice evidence-based medicine.

Five Ways Evidence-Based Medicine Adds Value to Health Systems

  1. Helps clinicians stay current on standardized, evidence-based protocols.
  2. Uses near real-time data to make care decisions.
  3. Improves transparency, accountability, and value.
  4. Improves quality of care.
  5. Improves outcomes.

In order to continue a high level of optimal care by using evidence-based practice, it is essential to find industry-leading technology to help payers and providers communicate about care plans that include the latest research findings, patient history and are reimbursable. By simplifying medical technology, unifying the continuum of care, and providing the highest quality data

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