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Medical Transcription: Voice tech new frontier in healthcare.

With continuous development in many aspects ranging from new policies and research to advances in medical technology and drug trials, healthcare is a global industry that is accumulating more than $8 billion annually. In such a global industry, self-service has become essential today considering the enormous treatment costs. Voice tech new frontier in the healthcare sector.

What Is Voice-Assisted Technology?

Voice recognition refers to the ability of a specific device to receive and interpret spoken directives  simply said, voice recognition technology can interact and respond to human’s commands.  Simply put, a voice or smart home assistant is a piece of software that communicates to the user audibly, and responds to spoken commands. It’s technology like Google Home, Siri and Alexa that can be used to literally talk to a computer, a smartphone, or another device. Voice assisted technology promises a more “human” experience and enables users to access information quickly without navigating a complicated interface. In healthcare, voice tech new frontier in the technology platform shift and will radically change the way we interact with technology.

Voice assistant technology also plays a number of roles in healthcare processes.

  • Disease management
  • System tracking and journaling
  • Medication adherence
  • Data collection and cost reduction
  • Prompting patients to schedule appointments
  • Helping them prepare for procedures

There are also a few key use cases where digital voice assistants have real potential to shine and impact the industry and these include:

  • The Examination Room: Be it your primary care physician, or a specialist practice, having a listening device in the examination room with the patient is beneficial in capturing clinical notes, identifying billing codes, or even providing clinical decision support during the encounter.
  • The Operating Room: When you’re in the middle of a procedure, you need to remain sterile. This smart voice technology helps you to quickly and intelligently make decisions relevant to a patient’s specific needs in a sterile environment via voice.
  • The Recovery Room: Generally, patients experience restricted mobility in recovery rooms, whether in a hospital, or at home. In such cases, voice interfaces present a new opportunity to connect patients into their ecosystems – with simple things such as to dim or switch off lights, adjust the temperature of a room, control the audio levels and so on.

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