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Adult-onset asthma is associated with metabolic syndrome and independent of age, sex, BMI and smoking history

Adult-onset asthma was found often associated with metabolic syndrome and independent of age, sex, BMI and smoking history, revealed a recent research coducted by a team of researchers at the  Franciscus Gasthuis & Vlietland and Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam. The cross-sectional study, published in Respiratory Medicine, involved 81 participants from the outpatient clinics of two teaching hospitals in Rotterdam. The researchers said that the results showed a close association between adult-onset asthma and metabolic syndrome even after adjusting for age, sex, BMI and smoking history. While the researchers highlighted the need for more research in the domain, they strongly suggested that metabolic syndrome and not only obesity, should be regarded as an important treatable trait in adult-onset asthma.

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