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COPD Foundation and Wellinks collaborate to evaluate integrated virtual COPD management solutions

The COPD Foundation, a non-profit patient advocacy and research organization, and Wellinks, a virtual COPD management solutions company, announced a partnership to recruit eligible patients for a new research study through the Foundation’s COPD Patient-Powered Research Network (COPD PPRN). Researchers plan to enroll between 100 and 150 adults with COPD for a 24-week prospective research study of the Wellinks solution, which combines virtual pulmonary rehabilitation, personalized health coaching, and monitoring through connected devices using a patient-friendly app.  

The Foundation and Wellinks said in a joint statement that the scope of the study ranges from measuring the impact on health-related quality of life, health care resource utilization, and participant satisfaction along with assessing the engagement and utilization patterns of participants over time and in relation to adjustments in the program.

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