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US medical experts raise concern over high price of Dupixent, new life-saving asthma drug

As recent clinical trials established the efficacy of dupilumab (Dupixent) in controlling
the asthma of children, medical experts have raised serious concern over its high price,
rendering it unaffordable for several patients. The drug costs as high as $45,000 for a
year’s therapy at present.
Michael Wechsler, an asthma specialist who was not involved in the trial, while speaking
to US media, said that the study did not, in the first place, include many black children in the trials. He said that black children have a particularly high rate of asthma in his
research and that they can respond to asthma medications differently as compared to a
predominantly white population. He pointed out that this systemically leaves out the
socio-economic factors as well.

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