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Hyderabad reports 40% rise in allergy cases amid dip in temperature and Omicron spread

Medical experts in Hyderabad, in the wake of alarmingly rising allergy cases, have warned asthma patients to avoid exposure to dust, air pollution and early morning chilly weather, amid the dipping mercury levels and increased spread of the Omicron variant driven Covid infections. According to Dr Mahaboob Khan, superintendent of Government Chest Hospital, there is a 40 percent increase in allergy cases and proper treatment coupled with Covid-appropriate behavior is very important to ensure that the infection doesn’t affect and deteriorate the lung condition. 

The experts cautioned that contracting coronavirus during this time could prove to be detrimental to one’s health, especially those with previous pulmonary complications. They also stressed the importance of vaccines and that the side effects should not discourage one from taking them. They also recommend regular consultations with physicians in order to remain safe.


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