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New study highlights mental health issues among asthmatic children

One in 10 asthmatic children are found having more or less serious mental health issues as a result of being bullied due to their poorly managed symptoms, says a recent study. According to the study conducted by Dr. Will Carroll and team at University Hospitals of the North Midlands NHS Trust in the United Kingdom found that at least 10 percent of children with poorly controlled asthmatic symptoms in the study cohort were found having mental health issues, mainly due to bullying as a result of their condition. The researchers said that bullying or teasing can have long-term mental health consequences in children and that controlling asthma better and spreading awareness could be some options to combat the stigma. The researchers said that they analysed 950 kids across 6 countries and found that asthmatic children with poorly controlled symptoms were bullied as they are thought to be physically weak. 

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