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Parents in general ignorant of ways to prevent allergies in children

According to a new study conducted by Christopher Warren, from the Chicago Center for Food Allergy and colleagues, a majority of parents did not know any methods to prevent or reduce allergies, especially food allergies, including peanuts, in their children. 

The team said that they surveyed 3,062 households and found that only 4 in 10 among them received recommendations to introduce peanuts in the child’s diet by 11 months. Notably, only 13 percent of parents and caregivers were aware of allergy guidelines issued by National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease. 

Dr Warren said that the lack of awareness was concerning, as current research has established how the introduction of peanuts early on in the diet of infants under 11 months of age can be helpful to prevent peanut allergies later on.

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