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Medical experts in Philippines formulate new COPD-Covid management guidelines in patient cost perspective

A group of medical experts at the Philippine College of Chest Physicians (PCCP) developed local guidelines on the management and treatment of COPD that notably takes into consideration of Covid-19 infections and its effects on the out of pocket expenses for the patient. 

The doctors said that the main reason for developing such a guideline was to reduce the inequity in treatment and to minimize the out of pocket expenditure of an average Filipino person. The “Philippine COPD Management Algorithm Guidelines” throws light on the lack of awareness among the local population on the seriousness of COPD exacerbations which leads to late diagnosis and inadequate medical care. 

With the new guidelines, primary care physicians are guided on how to identify the signs and symptoms and use the information to arrive at a diagnosis of probable COPD or identify those who are in exacerbation. It also suggests effective strategies on the management of COPD, which includes health education interventions directed to the patient, family and the community.

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