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Telerehabilitation is feasible and effective in diagnosing respiratory diseases

Telerehabilitation is proved to be safe and effective in diagnosing respiratory diseases such as COPD and lung infections. A latest study conducted by a team of scientists from Université de Montpellier, CHRU Montpellier, France, found that telerehabilitation, which brings together a set of rehabilitation practices applied remotely by means of information and communication technologies is more feasible and effective in diagnosing respiratory diseases such as COPD and lung infections. The study, published in PubMed, explained that telerehabilitation has anyway gained importance amid the COVID-19 pandemic and pulmonary telerehabilitation could potentially yield short-term (and possibly longer term) effects generally similar to those achieved in the programs of some specialised centers, especially with regards to exercise tolerance, dyspnea or patient quality of life.

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