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Robotics is remodeling Medtech and healthcare sector

Robotics is remodeling Medtech to deliver the desired outcomes in the healthcare industry by automating different monotoneous processes. Since, the evolution of the first robotic surgeon ‘da Vinci’ that performs general surgery, the global healthcare system is amplifying techniques where robotics can be deployed. Due to its accuracy and precision in performing surgical procedures, it has been favored over conventional laparoscopic surgeries. Additionally, robotic surgeries explore the area and maneuver minute arteries and veins which is not possible to do in traditional surgeries. Henceforth, the demand for robotic surgeries has expedited over the years. Robotics is remodeling MedTech and healthcare in the most innovative way possible. 

Several Medtech firms and renowned healthcare institutions are investigating the possibility of triggering robots in other healthcare procedures due to the success rate of robotic surgeries. Medtech firms such as Johnson and Johnson, Medtronic and Stryker, and major tech corporations such as Apple and IBM have already joined the global race for healthcare advancement in robotic infrastructure. In addition, the use of robotics reaches beyond the scope of surgical procedures. Robotics is heavily used in the medical technology industry to develop medical devices that are accurate and precise in conducting pre-clinical procedures, laboratories, performing routine activities, recovery, and assisting in long-term patient care.

Moreover, there are many robots that support the healthcare system. For instance, KASPAR is a child humanoid robot that supports autism patients by supporting teachers and parents. Giraffe is another mobile contact robot that facilitates dining for chronically ill patients. Toyota has built robots to help immobilized patients move around. Another robot that safely draws blood than a human is the Veebot. The reach of healthcare in medical institutions is, undeniably, positive. But the problems that hinder the implementation and usage of robotics in medical procedures must be addressed by global healthcare systems. Building knowledge among healthcare practitioners and patients about these processes would help to seek full benefits from this new-edge technology.

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