stdClass Object
    [blocks_url] =>
    [effort] => 
    [end] => 2024-08-31T00:00:00Z
    [created] => 2023-07-04T12:05:56.115474Z
    [enrollment_start] => 2023-07-04T00:00:00Z
    [enrollment_end] => 2024-07-04T00:00:00Z
    [id] => course-v1:PAI+PAI006+2023_Jul_PAI006
    [media] => stdClass Object
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            [image] => stdClass Object
                    [raw] =>
                    [small] =>
                    [large] =>


    [name] => Advances in Pediatrics Dermatology
    [number] => PAI006
    [org] => PAI
    [short_description] => 
    [start] => 2023-08-31T00:00:00Z
    [start_display] => Aug. 31, 2023
    [start_type] => timestamp
    [pacing] => instructor
    [mobile_available] => 
    [hidden] => 
    [invitation_only] => 
    [payment_url] =>
    [course_type] => Course
    [course_price] => 0
    [other_courses] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Advances in Pediatrics Dermatology
                    [org] => Pediatri..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:PAI+PAI006+2023_Jul_PAI006+type@asset+block@Coursecard-01-01.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Aug 31, 2023 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => PAICON 2023
                    [org] => Pediatri..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:PAI+PAI005+2023_Jan_PAI005+type@asset+block@Lecture-card-01.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Jan 14, 2023 

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Paediatric Nutrition Course (Hidden Hunger)
                    [org] => Pediatri..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:PAI+PAI004+2021_Dec_PAI004+type@asset+block@Course_card-01__1_.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jan 22, 2022 

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Excellence in Pediatrics - Pulmonology Update
                    [org] => Pediatri..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:PAI+PAI003+2021_Jun_PAI003+type@asset+block@Pediatric_Course_Card-03.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jul 20, 2021 

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Frontiers in Pediatric Gastroenterology ..
                    [org] => Pediatri..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:PAI+PAI001+2020_Mar_PAI001+type@asset+block@Pediatric_Course_Card-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jun 25, 2020 

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Frontiers in Pediatric Gastroenterology ..
                    [org] => Pediatri..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:PAI+PAI002+2020_Dec_PAI002+type@asset+block@Pediatric_Course_Card-02.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jun 25, 2020 


    [disclaimer] => Array

    [conversion_rate] => 70
    [section1] => Not found
    [section2] => Not found
    [faqs] => Array

    [course_id] => course-v1:PAI+PAI006+2023_Jul_PAI006
    [instructor_lists] => Array

    [image_url] =>
    [overview] => 

Meet the Faculty:

Dr. Bakul Jayant Parekh

Dr. Bakul Jayant Parekh is a distinguished pediatrician and aprominent leader in the field. He served as the National President of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) in 2020 and currently holds the position of President for the IPA Congress in 2023. Dr. Parekh also serves as the Secretary General of the South Asian Pediatric Association (SAPA) and is the Global Academic Convenor for the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO). In addition to his leadership roles, he is a respected professor and the CEO of Pediatrics at the BPCH, a renowned tertiary care center in Mumbai. Dr. Parekh's contributions and expertise have made him an influential figure in pediatric healthcare.

This Course is organized into 2 Modules. Registration for this course is always open.

As soon as you enroll to this course, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes and assignments (if applicable).

Yes, some background knowledge pertaining the subject will be necessary. This course is directed towards Dermatologists

Yes, relevant work experience is beneficial as the lectures on help practising and aspiring healthcare professionals.


Meet the Faculty:

Dr. Bakul Jayant Parekh

Dr. Bakul Jayant Parekh is a distinguished pediatrician and aprominent leader in the field. He served as the National President of the Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) in 2020 and currently holds the position of President for the IPA Congress in 2023. Dr. Parekh also serves as the Secretary General of the South Asian Pediatric Association (SAPA) and is the Global Academic Convenor for the Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (GAPIO). In addition to his leadership roles, he is a respected professor and the CEO of Pediatrics at the BPCH, a renowned tertiary care center in Mumbai. Dr. Parekh's contributions and expertise have made him an influential figure in pediatric healthcare.

This Course is organized into 2 Modules. Registration for this course is always open.

As soon as you enroll to this course, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes and assignments (if applicable).

Yes, some background knowledge pertaining the subject will be necessary. This course is directed towards Dermatologists

Yes, relevant work experience is beneficial as the lectures on help practising and aspiring healthcare professionals.