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    [end] => 2025-06-24T00:00:00Z
    [created] => 2024-04-29T06:42:58.603196Z
    [enrollment_start] => 2024-06-01T00:00:00Z
    [enrollment_end] => 2025-06-01T00:00:00Z
    [id] => course-v1:RCP+RCP008+2024_Apr_RCP008
    [media] => stdClass Object
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    [name] => Diabetes and Comorbidity Management
    [number] => RCP008
    [org] => RCP
    [short_description] => 
    [start] => 2024-06-22T14:30:00Z
    [start_display] => June 22, 2024
    [start_type] => timestamp
    [pacing] => instructor
    [mobile_available] => 1
    [hidden] => 
    [invitation_only] => 
    [payment_url] =>
    [course_type] => Course
    [course_price] => 0
    [other_courses] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Diabetes and Comorbidity Management
                    [org] => Royal Co..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:RCP+RCP008+2024_Apr_RCP008+type@asset+block@Coursecard-01.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jun 22, 2024 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Managing vertigo in routine practice
                    [org] => Royal Co..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:RCP+RCP009+2024_May_RCP009+type@asset+block@Course-card-02.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => May 25, 2024 

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Evolving Landscape of Diabetes Managemen..
                    [org] => Royal Co..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:RCP+RCP006+2023_Oct_RCP006+type@asset+block@New_Course_card.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Nov 24, 2023 

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Diagnosis, Management, and Evidence-base..
                    [org] => Royal Co..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:RCP+RCP004+2022_Jul_RCP004+type@asset+block@Course_Card.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Sep 03, 2022 

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Specialization on Diabetic Nephropathy
                    [org] => Royal Co..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:RCP+RCP002+2022_May_RCP002+type@asset+block@FACE_RCP_Program_Course_Card-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jul 14, 2022 

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Advanced Diabetes Management Certification Program
                    [org] => Royal Co..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:RCP+RCP001+2021_Mar_RCP001+type@asset+block@Courses-Card-Alkem.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jul 01, 2021 


    [disclaimer] => Array

    [conversion_rate] => 70
    [course_id] => course-v1:RCP+RCP008+2024_Apr_RCP008
    [overview] => 

This information was up-to-date at the time of the presentation, but does not take into account material published since then.

Information :

About This Course

Physicians treating patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) recognize the elevated risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in this population, which collectively contribute to a significant portion of mortality. Given this heightened risk, it is imperative to focus on both primary and secondary prevention strategies for these conditions.

This comprehensive course delves into the intricate interplay between diabetes, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), and CKD, offering insights into effective management strategies.

The course guides utilizing risk assessment tools to identify patients at heightened risk and offer practical insights through case studies, allowing physicians to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

These case studies serve as valuable learning experiences, enhancing physicians' understanding of effectively managing comorbid diabetes, ASCVD, and CKD.

Objectives of the Program:

At the completion of this module, the participant will be able to:

  • •  Develop a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between diabetes, ASCVD, and CKD, encompassing their pathophysiological mechanisms and shared risk factors.
  • •  Acquire proficiency in employing effective strategies to assess cardiovascular and renal risk in diabetic patients, utilizing screening tools and risk stratification methods tailored to individual patient profiles.
  • •  Explore evidence-based lifestyle modifications and pharmacological interventions for optimizing glycemic control, reducing ASCVD risk, and managing CKD progression in diabetic patients
  • •  Enhance clinical expertise by learning specialized considerations and management approaches for specific patient populations, including older adults and geriatric patients with concurrent diabetes, ASCVD, and CKD comorbidities.

Need for the course:

  • •  Addressing the rising prevalence of diabetes and its associated complications, including ASCVD and CKD.
  • •  Improving physician's understanding of the complex interplay between diabetes, ASCVD, and CKD to enhance patient care.
  • •  Filling the gap in comprehensive education on effective management strategies for comorbid conditions, considering their significant impact on patient outcomes.
  • •  Providing physicians with up-to-date knowledge and skills to optimize management and reduce the burden of diabetes-related complications.

View Syllabus

Module 1: Diabetes and ASCVD: Comorbidity management

  • •  Incidence, prevalence, and significance of diabetes and ASCVD
  • •  Mechanisms linking diabetes and ASCVD.
  • •  Impact of hyperglycaemia on cardiovascular health
  • •  Assessment and Risk Stratification
  • •  Identifying individuals at risk
  • •  Cardiovascular risk assessment tools
  • •  Lifestyle Modifications and Pharmacological Management
  • •  Medications for glycemic control and ASCVD risk reduction
  • •  Polypharmacy considerations and potential drug interactions
  • •  Lipid-lowering therapies and their impact
  • •  Choosing Antidiabetic Agents in Patients with ASCVD
  • •  Special Considerations
  • •  Diabetes in older adults with ASCVD
  • •  Case Studies and Clinical trials
  • •  Conclusion and Key takeaways

Module 2: Diabetes and CKD: Comorbidity management

  • •  Prevalence of diabetes and CKD
  • •  Pathophysiology of Diabetes-Related CKD
  • •  Mechanisms of kidney damage in diabetes
  • •  Impact of hyperglycemia on renal function
  • •  Screening for CKD in diabetes patients
  • •  Staging CKD based on glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
  • •  Risk Factors and Prevention
  • •  Lifestyle Modifications and medication management
  • •  Antihypertensive medications and their role
  • •  Choosing antidiabetic therapy in CKD
  • •  Monitoring and interpreting urinary protein levels and interventions to reduce proteinuria.
  • •  Renal complications of Diabetes
  • •  Diabetic nephropathy and its progression
  • •  ESKD and treatment options
  • •  Renal diet considerations and restrictions
  • •  Importance of managing potassium, phosphorus, and sodium
  • •  Special Considerations
  • •  Geriatric patients
  • •  Case Studies and clinical Trials
  • •  Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Meet the Instructors

Dr. Vijay Viswanathan

National President (Elect 2023 to 2024) - RSSDI (Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India)
Head & Chief Diabetologist, M.V. Hospital for Diabetes (P) Ltd.
President, Prof. M. Viswanathan Diabetes Research Centre
Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Head & Chief Diabetologist of M.V. Hospital for Diabetes & President of Prof. M. Viswanathan Diabetes Research Centre, Royapuram, Chennai, a WHO Collaborating Centre for Research, Education and Training in Diabetes.
PhD in Diabetic Nephropathy from Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University after M.D. Internal Medicine. First Vivian Fonseca Award from the American Diabetes Association for work in DM and TB in 2013. Trained over 2000 physicians in Prevention of Amputations.
Appointed Adjunct Professor by Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University. Awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians London for Research Contribution in Diabetes. Editor of Journal of Association of Physicians of India, Tamilnadu Chapter (TAPIJ) from 2009. Chairman of API, Tamil Nadu Chapter for the period 2010 - 2011. Elected as the National Governing Body Member of API for the second time in succession. Secretary of RSSDI Tamil Nadu Chapter from 2013 - 2017 (August). National Executive Committee Member, RSSDI from 2016. President of D-Foot International.
Credited with around 270 research publications on various aspects of diabetes and its complications in peer-reviewed national and international scientific journals and has also contributed about 25 book chapters.

Dr. Sanjay Gulati

MD, DNB(CHD), DM, DNB(Nephrology)
FISN, FIAP(Australia), FRCPC(Canada), FISOT
Principal Director, Nephrology & Kidney Transplant
Fortis Group of Hospitals, NCR
Adjunct Professor, Deptt Nephrology, Manipal University
Member Governing Body — Indian Society of Organ Transplant, Ex-Secretary — North Zone Chapter of ISN, President-Elect — Indian Society of Nephrology

He was previously working as an Additional Professor in Nephrology at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow. He has also worked as an Associate Professor in Pediatric Nephrology at McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

He has presented papers at several international and national conferences and published more than 130 scientific papers in indexed journals including NEJM, Kidney International and American Journal of Kidney Diseases.
His work has received recognition from the Indian Council of Medical Research, Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Indian Society of Nephrology, the Australian College of Pediatrics, Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health UK Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the Japanese Society of Nephrology.

Course FAQs

Consulting physicians
The course is organized into 2 modules. Registration for the course is always open and participants may begin the course at any time.
As soon as you enroll in a course, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes, and assignments (if applicable). Peer review assignments become available once your session has officially begun.
Yes, some background knowledge pertaining the subject will be necessary.
Yes, relevant work experience is beneficial as the courses on help practicing and aspiring healthcare professionals.

This information was up-to-date at the time of the presentation, but does not take into account material published since then.

Information :

About This Course

Physicians treating patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) recognize the elevated risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) in this population, which collectively contribute to a significant portion of mortality. Given this heightened risk, it is imperative to focus on both primary and secondary prevention strategies for these conditions.

This comprehensive course delves into the intricate interplay between diabetes, atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD), and CKD, offering insights into effective management strategies.

The course guides utilizing risk assessment tools to identify patients at heightened risk and offer practical insights through case studies, allowing physicians to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world scenarios.

These case studies serve as valuable learning experiences, enhancing physicians' understanding of effectively managing comorbid diabetes, ASCVD, and CKD.

Objectives of the Program:

At the completion of this module, the participant will be able to:

  • •  Develop a comprehensive understanding of the complex interplay between diabetes, ASCVD, and CKD, encompassing their pathophysiological mechanisms and shared risk factors.
  • •  Acquire proficiency in employing effective strategies to assess cardiovascular and renal risk in diabetic patients, utilizing screening tools and risk stratification methods tailored to individual patient profiles.
  • •  Explore evidence-based lifestyle modifications and pharmacological interventions for optimizing glycemic control, reducing ASCVD risk, and managing CKD progression in diabetic patients
  • •  Enhance clinical expertise by learning specialized considerations and management approaches for specific patient populations, including older adults and geriatric patients with concurrent diabetes, ASCVD, and CKD comorbidities.

Need for the course:

  • •  Addressing the rising prevalence of diabetes and its associated complications, including ASCVD and CKD.
  • •  Improving physician's understanding of the complex interplay between diabetes, ASCVD, and CKD to enhance patient care.
  • •  Filling the gap in comprehensive education on effective management strategies for comorbid conditions, considering their significant impact on patient outcomes.
  • •  Providing physicians with up-to-date knowledge and skills to optimize management and reduce the burden of diabetes-related complications.

View Syllabus

Module 1: Diabetes and ASCVD: Comorbidity management

  • •  Incidence, prevalence, and significance of diabetes and ASCVD
  • •  Mechanisms linking diabetes and ASCVD.
  • •  Impact of hyperglycaemia on cardiovascular health
  • •  Assessment and Risk Stratification
  • •  Identifying individuals at risk
  • •  Cardiovascular risk assessment tools
  • •  Lifestyle Modifications and Pharmacological Management
  • •  Medications for glycemic control and ASCVD risk reduction
  • •  Polypharmacy considerations and potential drug interactions
  • •  Lipid-lowering therapies and their impact
  • •  Choosing Antidiabetic Agents in Patients with ASCVD
  • •  Special Considerations
  • •  Diabetes in older adults with ASCVD
  • •  Case Studies and Clinical trials
  • •  Conclusion and Key takeaways

Module 2: Diabetes and CKD: Comorbidity management

  • •  Prevalence of diabetes and CKD
  • •  Pathophysiology of Diabetes-Related CKD
  • •  Mechanisms of kidney damage in diabetes
  • •  Impact of hyperglycemia on renal function
  • •  Screening for CKD in diabetes patients
  • •  Staging CKD based on glomerular filtration rate (GFR)
  • •  Risk Factors and Prevention
  • •  Lifestyle Modifications and medication management
  • •  Antihypertensive medications and their role
  • •  Choosing antidiabetic therapy in CKD
  • •  Monitoring and interpreting urinary protein levels and interventions to reduce proteinuria.
  • •  Renal complications of Diabetes
  • •  Diabetic nephropathy and its progression
  • •  ESKD and treatment options
  • •  Renal diet considerations and restrictions
  • •  Importance of managing potassium, phosphorus, and sodium
  • •  Special Considerations
  • •  Geriatric patients
  • •  Case Studies and clinical Trials
  • •  Conclusion and Key Takeaways

Meet the Instructors

Dr. Vijay Viswanathan

National President (Elect 2023 to 2024) - RSSDI (Research Society for Study of Diabetes in India)
Head & Chief Diabetologist, M.V. Hospital for Diabetes (P) Ltd.
President, Prof. M. Viswanathan Diabetes Research Centre
Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Head & Chief Diabetologist of M.V. Hospital for Diabetes & President of Prof. M. Viswanathan Diabetes Research Centre, Royapuram, Chennai, a WHO Collaborating Centre for Research, Education and Training in Diabetes.
PhD in Diabetic Nephropathy from Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University after M.D. Internal Medicine. First Vivian Fonseca Award from the American Diabetes Association for work in DM and TB in 2013. Trained over 2000 physicians in Prevention of Amputations.
Appointed Adjunct Professor by Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University. Awarded Fellowship of the Royal College of Physicians London for Research Contribution in Diabetes. Editor of Journal of Association of Physicians of India, Tamilnadu Chapter (TAPIJ) from 2009. Chairman of API, Tamil Nadu Chapter for the period 2010 - 2011. Elected as the National Governing Body Member of API for the second time in succession. Secretary of RSSDI Tamil Nadu Chapter from 2013 - 2017 (August). National Executive Committee Member, RSSDI from 2016. President of D-Foot International.
Credited with around 270 research publications on various aspects of diabetes and its complications in peer-reviewed national and international scientific journals and has also contributed about 25 book chapters.

Dr. Sanjay Gulati

MD, DNB(CHD), DM, DNB(Nephrology)
FISN, FIAP(Australia), FRCPC(Canada), FISOT
Principal Director, Nephrology & Kidney Transplant
Fortis Group of Hospitals, NCR
Adjunct Professor, Deptt Nephrology, Manipal University
Member Governing Body — Indian Society of Organ Transplant, Ex-Secretary — North Zone Chapter of ISN, President-Elect — Indian Society of Nephrology

He was previously working as an Additional Professor in Nephrology at Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow. He has also worked as an Associate Professor in Pediatric Nephrology at McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada.

He has presented papers at several international and national conferences and published more than 130 scientific papers in indexed journals including NEJM, Kidney International and American Journal of Kidney Diseases.
His work has received recognition from the Indian Council of Medical Research, Indian Academy of Pediatrics, Indian Society of Nephrology, the Australian College of Pediatrics, Royal College of Pediatrics and Child Health UK Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, and the Japanese Society of Nephrology.

Course FAQs

Consulting physicians
The course is organized into 2 modules. Registration for the course is always open and participants may begin the course at any time.
As soon as you enroll in a course, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes, and assignments (if applicable). Peer review assignments become available once your session has officially begun.
Yes, some background knowledge pertaining the subject will be necessary.
Yes, relevant work experience is beneficial as the courses on help practicing and aspiring healthcare professionals.