stdClass Object
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    [effort] => 
    [end] => 2024-08-01T00:00:00Z
    [created] => 2023-06-29T06:32:30.155022Z
    [enrollment_start] => 2023-07-01T00:00:00Z
    [enrollment_end] => 2024-07-01T00:00:00Z
    [id] => course-v1:aacd-acdi+ADI0076+2023_Jun_ADI0076
    [media] => stdClass Object
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    [name] => Gingival Depigmentation - Brite gums
    [number] => ADI0076
    [org] => aacd-acdi
    [short_description] => 
    [start] => 2023-08-01T00:00:00Z
    [start_display] => Aug. 1, 2023
    [start_type] => timestamp
    [pacing] => instructor
    [mobile_available] => 
    [hidden] => 
    [invitation_only] => 
    [payment_url] =>
    [course_type] => Lecture
    [course_price] => 59
    [other_courses] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Gingival Depigmentation - Brite gums
                    [org] => American..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:aacd-acdi+ADI0076+2023_Jun_ADI0076+type@asset+block@Lecture-card-01.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Aug 01, 2023 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Cosmetic Dentistry
                    [org] => American..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:dm_learning+DML0074+2022_May_DML0074+type@asset+block@Cosmetic-Dentistry-Course-Card_630-x-400-px__1_.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jun 15, 2022 


    [disclaimer] => Array

    [conversion_rate] => 70
    [course_id] => course-v1:aacd-acdi+ADI0076+2023_Jun_ADI0076
    [overview] => 

Meet the Faculty:

Dr. Robert Stanley

Bs, Ms, PhD

Dr. Robert Stanley’s professional career began as a Mechanical & Aerospace engineer. After receiving his BS, MS and PhD from North Carolina State University in engineering with a concentration in control theory, he enjoyed almost a decade working in radio telecommunications in the Raleigh-Durham Research Triangle Park. To pursue his passion of dentistry, he returned to school and earned his dental degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry.
Read More Dr. Stanley is the CEO and President of Britegums Inc., a medical device company located in Cary, North Carolina, USA. As both a dentist and an engineer, Dr. Robert Stanley had the unique opportunity to use his dental experience and engineering background to invent Britegums, a safe and effective radiosurgical solution for gingival depigmentation or “gum pinkening. Britegums has changed the lives of countless patients by helping them achieve a confident and proud smile!
Additionally, Dr. Stanley is a practice owner at Stanley Dentistry, where he works closely with his business partner and wife, Dr. Bobbi Stanley. Stanley Dentistry provides comprehensive dental services from orthodontics and hygiene to implants and full mouth reconstructive surgery. Read Less

This Lecture is organized into one session. Registration for this lecture series is open until the course end date.

As soon as you enroll to this course, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes and assignments (if applicable).

Yes, some background knowledge pertaining the subject will be necessary. This course is directed towards Endodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry.

Yes, relevant work experience is beneficial as the lectures on help practising and aspiring healthcare professionals.


Meet the Faculty:

Dr. Robert Stanley

Bs, Ms, PhD

Dr. Robert Stanley’s professional career began as a Mechanical & Aerospace engineer. After receiving his BS, MS and PhD from North Carolina State University in engineering with a concentration in control theory, he enjoyed almost a decade working in radio telecommunications in the Raleigh-Durham Research Triangle Park. To pursue his passion of dentistry, he returned to school and earned his dental degree from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry.
Read More Dr. Stanley is the CEO and President of Britegums Inc., a medical device company located in Cary, North Carolina, USA. As both a dentist and an engineer, Dr. Robert Stanley had the unique opportunity to use his dental experience and engineering background to invent Britegums, a safe and effective radiosurgical solution for gingival depigmentation or “gum pinkening. Britegums has changed the lives of countless patients by helping them achieve a confident and proud smile!
Additionally, Dr. Stanley is a practice owner at Stanley Dentistry, where he works closely with his business partner and wife, Dr. Bobbi Stanley. Stanley Dentistry provides comprehensive dental services from orthodontics and hygiene to implants and full mouth reconstructive surgery. Read Less

This Lecture is organized into one session. Registration for this lecture series is open until the course end date.

As soon as you enroll to this course, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes and assignments (if applicable).

Yes, some background knowledge pertaining the subject will be necessary. This course is directed towards Endodontics, Orthodontics, Periodontics, Prosthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry.

Yes, relevant work experience is beneficial as the lectures on help practising and aspiring healthcare professionals.