stdClass Object
    [blocks_url] =>
    [effort] => 
    [end] => 2025-08-03T00:00:00Z
    [created] => 2024-04-04T06:22:08.574208Z
    [enrollment_start] => 2024-04-05T00:00:00Z
    [enrollment_end] => 2025-05-05T00:00:00Z
    [id] => course-v1:DRL+DRL0037+2024_Apr_DRL0037
    [media] => stdClass Object
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    [name] => Innovative Modules for Pediatric Constipation Treatment IMPACT
    [number] => DRL0037
    [org] => DRL
    [short_description] => 
    [start] => 2024-08-03T00:00:00Z
    [start_display] => Aug. 3, 2024
    [start_type] => timestamp
    [pacing] => instructor
    [mobile_available] => 1
    [hidden] => 
    [invitation_only] => 
    [payment_url] =>
    [course_type] => Course
    [course_price] => 0
    [other_courses] => Array
            [0] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => The Rebuild Advantej Program
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0038+2024_Aug_DRL0038+type@asset+block@DRL_Course_Card_lecture_card-01.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Aug 16, 2024 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Innovative Modules for Pediatric Constip..
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0037+2024_Apr_DRL0037+type@asset+block@Course_Card-01.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Aug 03, 2024 

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Cough Management & The Role Antitussives..
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0036+2023_Aug_DRL0036+type@asset+block@Lecture-card-02.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Oct 13, 2023 

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Case based approaches for the diagnosis ..
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0035+2023_Jun_DRL0035+type@asset+block@Lecture-card-01.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jul 01, 2023 

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Management of Cough: A Case Based Approach
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0033+2023_Feb_DRL0033+type@asset+block@Course_card-01.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Feb 24, 2023 

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Current approach in the management of Hy..
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0031+2022_Dec_DRL0031+type@asset+block@Course-card.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Dec 15, 2022 

            [6] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Safe Usage of NSAIDs in Managing Acute Conditions
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0029+2022_Sep_DRL0029+type@asset+block@Lecture-card.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Sep 15, 2022 

            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Cosmetic Dentistry
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0027+2022_Jul_DRL0027+type@asset+block@F_Course-card.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Aug 01, 2022 

            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Effectiveness of PPIs and Patient Report..
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0028+2022_Jul_DRL0028+type@asset+block@Lecture-card_DRL.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jul 25, 2022 

            [9] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Epilepsy Conclave 2022
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0026+2022_Jul_DRL0026+type@asset+block@Lecture_card_DRL_Epilepsy_Conclave__2_-02__1_.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jul 24, 2022 

            [10] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Epilepsy Conclave 2022
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0025+2022_May_DRL0025+type@asset+block@Lecture_card_DRL_Epilepsy_Conclave-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jul 17, 2022 

            [11] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => The Microbiota Gut - Brain Axis and Epilepsy
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0023+2022_Apr_DRL0023+type@asset+block@Course_Card_24th_April_2022-01__1_.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Apr 24, 2022 

            [12] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Recent Trends in Cough Management  In Children
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0024+2022_Apr_DRL0024+type@asset+block@WhatsApp_Image_2022-04-19_at_10.06.52_PM.jpeg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Apr 23, 2022 

            [13] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Indian Bone Academy
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0022+2022_Apr_DRL0022+type@asset+block@DRL_Indian_Bone_Academy_Course_Card-01__2_.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Apr 16, 2022 

            [14] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Indian Bone Academy
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0021+2022_Apr_DRL0021+type@asset+block@DRL_Indian_Bone_Academy_Course_Card-02.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Apr 10, 2022 

            [15] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Trauma (Articular - Periarticular) 
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0019+2022_Feb_DRL0019+type@asset+block@Lecture_card-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Mar 06, 2022 

            [16] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Recent Advances in Management of Epileps..
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0020+2022_Feb_DRL0020+type@asset+block@Lecture_card_DRL_26th_February.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Feb 26, 2022 

            [17] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Glucocrinology Conclave 2022
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0018+2022_Feb_DRL0018+type@asset+block@Glucocrinology_Program_Lecture_card-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Feb 06, 2022 

            [18] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Glucocrinology Conclave 2022
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0016+2022_Jan_DRL0016+type@asset+block@Glucocrinology_Program_Lecture_card-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jan 30, 2022 

            [19] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Arthroplasty
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0017+2022_Jan_DRL0017+type@asset+block@Lecture_card-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jan 30, 2022 

            [20] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Management of Anemia in Non-dialysis Chr..
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0014+2021_Dec_DRL0014+type@asset+block@Course_card-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jan 30, 2022 

            [21] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0015+2021_Dec_DRL0015+type@asset+block@Mayo_Lecture_Card.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jan 20, 2022 

            [22] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => E-MODULE on "Stepwise Guide for Diagnosi..
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0013+2021_Nov_DRL0013+type@asset+block@Lecture_Card-01-revised-drl0013.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Dec 09, 2021 

            [23] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => GI VISTAS 2021
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0012+2021_Sep_DRL0012+type@asset+block@Lecture_card_GI_Vista-01__1_.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Nov 27, 2021 

            [24] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Enhancing Dental Practice
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0011+2021_Sep_DRL0011+type@asset+block@LC_19th_Oct_2021-01-revised.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Oct 22, 2021 

            [25] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => ZED Talk - Disseminating Knowledge
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL003+2021_Mar_DRL003+type@asset+block@DRL_Zed_Talk-.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Oct 13, 2021 

            [26] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Enhancing Dental Practice
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL0010+2021_Sep_DRL0010+type@asset+block@LC_11th_Sept_2021-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Sep 11, 2021 

            [27] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Epilepsy Conclave 2021
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL009+2021_Aug_DRL009+type@asset+block@Lecturecard.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Sep 05, 2021 

            [28] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Enhancing Dental Practice
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL008+2021_Aug_DRL008+type@asset+block@LC_14th_Aug_2021-03.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Aug 14, 2021 

            [29] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => A Cardiovascular & Metabolic Update
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL007+2021_Jun_DRL007+type@asset+block@Lecture_card-02.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jul 04, 2021 

            [30] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => A Cardiovascular & Metabolic Update
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL006+2021_Jun_DRL006+type@asset+block@Lecture_card-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Course
                    [start] => Jun 27, 2021 

            [31] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Pediatric Master Class
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL005+2021_May_DRL005+type@asset+block@Lecture_Card-01__2_.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => May 15, 2021 

            [32] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => New Horizons in Management of SSTI
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL002+2020_Dec_DRL002+type@asset+block@22nd_Dec_Lecture_Card-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Dec 22, 2020 

            [33] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Place of Metformin SR+Vildagliptin  Comb..
                    [org] => Dr. Redd..
                    [media] => /asset-v1:DRL+DRL001+2020_Nov_DRL001+type@asset+block@11th_Nov_Lecture_Card-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Nov 11, 2020 


    [disclaimer] => Array

    [conversion_rate] => 70
    [course_id] => course-v1:DRL+DRL0037+2024_Apr_DRL0037
    [overview] => 

About this Course

This 4-module learning program aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding pediatric functional constipation. Additionally, it aims to provide expert insights into evidence-based diagnostic and treatment strategies for application in clinical practice.

Objective of the Course:

At the completion of this course the participant will be able to:

  1. To enhance trainees’ proficiency in applying optometry clinical procedures accurately, following best clinical practices
  2. To enhance trainees’ understanding of utilizing appropriate techniques and tools for various clinical procedures
  3. To enhance trainees’ skills in recognizing the appropriate scenarios and conditions that necessitate specific optometry clinical procedures
  4. To build trainees’ skills in assessing contraindications and limitations of certain optometry clinical procedures
  5. To enhance trainees’ understanding of ocular conditions to make informed decision-making in optometry care

Learning Objectives:

Module 1:

  1. Understand the landscape of pediatric functional constipation and its impact
  2. Recognize the signs and symptoms of functional constipation
  3. Explore diagnostic criteria and differential diagnosis
  4. Case-based discussions on the diagnosis and treatment of functional constipation
  5. To enhance trainees’ understanding of ocular conditions to make informed decision-making in optometry care

Module 2:

  1. Understand the diagnostic criteria of pediatric functional constipation
  2. Explore expert recommendations on the management of functional constipation in children
  3. Identify the educational needs in the diagnosis and management of pediatric functional constipation

Module 3:

  1. Overview of treatment goals and principles, encompassing both non-pharmacological as well as pharmacological strategies
  2. Addressing adherence issues and treatment failures effectively
  3. Explore the way forward for managing refractory constipation
  4. Understand the clinical practice recommendations for managing pediatric functional constipation

Module 4:

  1. Understand the long-term implications of functional constipation
  2. Get insights into the long-term management of functional constipation in children
  3. Explore novel updates on therapies for functional constipation

Need of the course:

The advancements in dental techniques as well as newer instruments and technology have made rootcanal treatments possible in a single visit, without compromising the safety and efficacy of thetreatment. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of single sitting root canal treatment isimportant to become more proficient with instrumentation and treatment.One of the greatest challenges for dentists in clinical practice is conservative aesthetic anterior toothrestoration. Using proper technique, one can achieve excellent aesthetics without threatening the correct tooth function.The field of implantology is also evolving very rapidly with a wide range of applications in various interdisciplinary fields. It is important for practitioners who use implants to have a thorough understanding of the type and frequency of complications that may arise. Prompt management of thesecomplications is pivotal for success of the implants.


CME Disclosure

For the use of a registered medical practitioner, hospital or laboratory only. This certification course is offered for updating of knowledge by HCPs, with support from Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Limited.
No part of this content may be used, reproduced, transmitted or stored in any form without the written permission of the organizer.

Course FAQs

click to open accordion Who can take this course?

Consulting physicians & also Aspiring Healthcare Professionals.

click to open accordion What is the course format?

The course is organized into one module and includes additional resources specific to each one. Registration for the course is always open.

click to open accordion Is there a free trial available?

As soon as you enroll in a course, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes and assignments (if applicable).

click to open accordion What background knowledge is necessary?

Yes, some background knowledge in the field of respiratory will be useful. This course is directed towards MBBS/MD doctors who have done their post-graduation.

click to open accordion Is work experience necessary?

Yes, relevant work experience is beneficial as the courses on help practising and aspiring healthcare professionals.


About this Course

This 4-module learning program aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of the complexities surrounding pediatric functional constipation. Additionally, it aims to provide expert insights into evidence-based diagnostic and treatment strategies for application in clinical practice.

Objective of the Course:

At the completion of this course the participant will be able to:

  1. To enhance trainees’ proficiency in applying optometry clinical procedures accurately, following best clinical practices
  2. To enhance trainees’ understanding of utilizing appropriate techniques and tools for various clinical procedures
  3. To enhance trainees’ skills in recognizing the appropriate scenarios and conditions that necessitate specific optometry clinical procedures
  4. To build trainees’ skills in assessing contraindications and limitations of certain optometry clinical procedures
  5. To enhance trainees’ understanding of ocular conditions to make informed decision-making in optometry care

Learning Objectives:

Module 1:

  1. Understand the landscape of pediatric functional constipation and its impact
  2. Recognize the signs and symptoms of functional constipation
  3. Explore diagnostic criteria and differential diagnosis
  4. Case-based discussions on the diagnosis and treatment of functional constipation
  5. To enhance trainees’ understanding of ocular conditions to make informed decision-making in optometry care

Module 2:

  1. Understand the diagnostic criteria of pediatric functional constipation
  2. Explore expert recommendations on the management of functional constipation in children
  3. Identify the educational needs in the diagnosis and management of pediatric functional constipation

Module 3:

  1. Overview of treatment goals and principles, encompassing both non-pharmacological as well as pharmacological strategies
  2. Addressing adherence issues and treatment failures effectively
  3. Explore the way forward for managing refractory constipation
  4. Understand the clinical practice recommendations for managing pediatric functional constipation

Module 4:

  1. Understand the long-term implications of functional constipation
  2. Get insights into the long-term management of functional constipation in children
  3. Explore novel updates on therapies for functional constipation

Need of the course:

The advancements in dental techniques as well as newer instruments and technology have made rootcanal treatments possible in a single visit, without compromising the safety and efficacy of thetreatment. Knowing the advantages and disadvantages of single sitting root canal treatment isimportant to become more proficient with instrumentation and treatment.One of the greatest challenges for dentists in clinical practice is conservative aesthetic anterior toothrestoration. Using proper technique, one can achieve excellent aesthetics without threatening the correct tooth function.The field of implantology is also evolving very rapidly with a wide range of applications in various interdisciplinary fields. It is important for practitioners who use implants to have a thorough understanding of the type and frequency of complications that may arise. Prompt management of thesecomplications is pivotal for success of the implants.


CME Disclosure

For the use of a registered medical practitioner, hospital or laboratory only. This certification course is offered for updating of knowledge by HCPs, with support from Dr Reddy’s Laboratories Limited.
No part of this content may be used, reproduced, transmitted or stored in any form without the written permission of the organizer.

Course FAQs

click to open accordion Who can take this course?

Consulting physicians & also Aspiring Healthcare Professionals.

click to open accordion What is the course format?

The course is organized into one module and includes additional resources specific to each one. Registration for the course is always open.

click to open accordion Is there a free trial available?

As soon as you enroll in a course, you’ll have access to all videos, quizzes and assignments (if applicable).

click to open accordion What background knowledge is necessary?

Yes, some background knowledge in the field of respiratory will be useful. This course is directed towards MBBS/MD doctors who have done their post-graduation.

click to open accordion Is work experience necessary?

Yes, relevant work experience is beneficial as the courses on help practising and aspiring healthcare professionals.