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    [name] => Heart Conclave
    [number] => ALK0010
    [org] => alkem
    [short_description] => 
    [start] => 2024-05-24T14:30:00Z
    [start_display] => May 24, 2024
    [start_type] => timestamp
    [pacing] => instructor
    [mobile_available] => 1
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    [course_price] => Free
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                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => May 24, 2024 

            [1] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Anti Thrombotic Therapy - Closing Treatment Gaps
                    [org] => alkem
                    [media] => /asset-v1:alkem+ALK009+2023_Aug_ALK009+type@asset+block@REVISED_-_Lecture-card.png
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                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Aug 12, 2023 

            [2] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Cardio Conclave - Anti-Hypertensive Therapy
                    [org] => alkem
                    [media] => /asset-v1:alkem+ALK008+2023_May_ALK008+type@asset+block@Lecture_card-01.png
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => May 13, 2023 

            [3] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Difficult to manage hypertension? What s..
                    [org] => alkem
                    [media] => /asset-v1:alkem+ALK007+2021_Dec_ALK007+type@asset+block@Lecture_card_11th_Dec_2021-03-revised.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Dec 11, 2021 

            [4] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Anti-Platelet Consideration for ACS Mana..
                    [org] => alkem
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                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Nov 13, 2021 

            [5] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Management of Dyslipidemia: Expert Opini..
                    [org] => alkem
                    [media] => /asset-v1:alkem+ALK005+2021_Oct_ALK005+type@asset+block@Lecture_card_23rd_Oct_2021-01-re.jpg
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                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Oct 23, 2021 

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                    [course_title] => Improving CV Outcomes In  Hypertension W..
                    [org] => alkem
                    [media] => /asset-v1:alkem+ALK004+2021_Sep_ALK004+type@asset+block@Lecture_card_25th_Sept_2021-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Sep 25, 2021 

            [7] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Guidelines directed therapy for Heart Fa..
                    [org] => alkem
                    [media] => /asset-v1:alkem+ALK003+2021_Aug_ALK003+type@asset+block@11Lecture_card_21st_Aug_2021-01.jpg
                    [wp_url] =>
                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Aug 21, 2021 

            [8] => stdClass Object
                    [course_title] => Antithrombotic Therapy : State of the Art 2021
                    [org] => alkem
                    [media] => /asset-v1:alkem+ALK002+2021_Jul_ALK002+type@asset+block@Lecture_card_17th_July_2021-01.jpg
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                    [start] => Jul 17, 2021 

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                    [course_title] => Cardio Conclave
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                    [course_type] => Lecture
                    [start] => Jun 19, 2021 


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Meet the Speakers:

Topic: Modern Management of Hypertension focusing on intensive therapy

Dr. Giuseppe Mancia

Professor, Emeritus University of Milano-Bicocca
Chairman of the Foundation of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH)

Topic: Achieving LDL Targets in ACS Patients! Mission Impossible?

Dr. C K Ponde

MD (Gen. Medicine), DM (Card), DNB (Card), FACC (USA),

The DocMode platform runs on the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer We generally encourage the use of, and fully support only, the latest version.

You only require a working computer/laptop/mobile and a stable internet connection and good audio (internal or external speakers, earphones or headset).

No. It is absolutely free of cost.

Yes, you can access the live lecture at a later date from your dashboard itself if you are enrolled for the same. Even if you haven’t enrolled for it, all live lectures hosted on are available for viewing under the Lectures section of the DocMode homepage.

There is a Question box just below the video player where you can submit any related questions at the time of the live lectures. Answering to the questions solely depends on the doctor/lecturer giving the lecture.

As per our policies with the doctor/lecturer the content used in the live lectures can be viewed only on

Information regarding any upcoming live lectures are put up on the site a week prior and can be found on our site’s homepage under Upcoming Lectures.

As of now DocMode does not offer any credit points for watching the live lectures/on-demand recording.

If you have a suggestion for a live lecture, you can email us at with your contact details along with your or speaker’s updated bio and details regarding the lecture with topics you wish to be covered.


Meet the Speakers:

Topic: Modern Management of Hypertension focusing on intensive therapy

Dr. Giuseppe Mancia

Professor, Emeritus University of Milano-Bicocca
Chairman of the Foundation of the European Society of Hypertension (ESH)

Topic: Achieving LDL Targets in ACS Patients! Mission Impossible?

Dr. C K Ponde

MD (Gen. Medicine), DM (Card), DNB (Card), FACC (USA),

The DocMode platform runs on the following browsers: Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Internet Explorer We generally encourage the use of, and fully support only, the latest version.

You only require a working computer/laptop/mobile and a stable internet connection and good audio (internal or external speakers, earphones or headset).

No. It is absolutely free of cost.

Yes, you can access the live lecture at a later date from your dashboard itself if you are enrolled for the same. Even if you haven’t enrolled for it, all live lectures hosted on are available for viewing under the Lectures section of the DocMode homepage.

There is a Question box just below the video player where you can submit any related questions at the time of the live lectures. Answering to the questions solely depends on the doctor/lecturer giving the lecture.

As per our policies with the doctor/lecturer the content used in the live lectures can be viewed only on

Information regarding any upcoming live lectures are put up on the site a week prior and can be found on our site’s homepage under Upcoming Lectures.

As of now DocMode does not offer any credit points for watching the live lectures/on-demand recording.

If you have a suggestion for a live lecture, you can email us at with your contact details along with your or speaker’s updated bio and details regarding the lecture with topics you wish to be covered.