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The Evolution Of Biotechnology And Its Impact On Health Care

Evolution Of Biotechnology contributes much towards the growing public and global health needs. It has revolutionized mankind since its existence. It provides effective diagnostics, prevention and treatment measures including production of novel drugs and recombinant vaccines. Medical biotechnology is a branch of medicine that uses living cells and cell materials to research, and then produce pharmaceutical and diagnosing products. These products help treat and prevent diseases. From the Ebola vaccine to mapping human DNA to agricultural impacts, medial biotechnology is making huge advancements and helping millions of people.

It gives effective drug delivery approaches, new methods for therapeutics, nutritionally enriched genetically modified crops and efficient methods for environmental cleanup. Health, life quality and expectancy of life have been increased worldwide through the services provided by biotechnology Biotechnology offers relatively cheaper drug and vaccine delivery tools. They eliminate blood-borne infections caused by re-use of needles. Drugs and vaccines are delivered efficiently in a controlled manner, thus avoiding the use of needles. Drugs can be propelled into the body speedily by gas jets, can be diffused into the body and can also be inhaled through nasal sprays.

The future impact of biotechnology is promising, as long as the public and private sectors continue to foster policies and provide funds that lead to scientific breakthroughs; governments continue to offer incentives for private-sector biotech innovation; industry develops business models for cost-effective research and development; and all stakeholders establish policies to ensure that the therapeutic advances that mitigate or cure medical conditions that currently have inadequate or no available therapies are accessible to the public at a reasonable cost.

Global sales of these products exceeded $175 billion in 2013 and have helped sustain a vibrant life sciences sector that includes more than 4,600 biotech companies worldwide. In this article we examine the evolution of biotechnology during the past three decades and the profound impact that it has had on health care through four interrelated and interdependent tracks: innovations in science, government activity, business development, and patient care.



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