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New technology that can help people with hearing loss

Hearing loss is a major problem worldwide. Nearly 360 million people are suffering hearing loss. Hearing aid technology has progressed a lot over the last few decades, however, at their core, hearing aids have continually been designed with four fundamental parts: a microphone, a processor, a receiver, and a power source. The microphone picks up the sounds on your surroundings and passes them to the processor. The processor enhances the signal and delivers it to the receiver which supplies the amplified signal to the ear canal. The power source, or battery, drives the system.

Scientists are working on a number of experimental strategies that could quickly remodel listening to interventions. That ought to significantly enhance the quality of life for hundreds of thousands, who have been waiting a long time — the last major innovation in listening to technology happened in 1985. Normal hearing is easier than it may appear. Sound waves flow through the ear canal and pulse the eardrum, which then moves the tiny bones in the middle ear. They in turn tap the cochlea, a snail shell–looking structure that carries hundreds of sensitive hairs and fluid. The cochlea converts mechanical signals into electrical ones, which it then passes to the auditory nerve, which transmits it to the mind for processing.
Three Game-Changing Innovations for Those With Hearing Loss-
1. Eyeglasses that turn speech into subtitles.
2. An app that helps you to hear a person in a crowded room.
3. Drug therapy that regrows cells that help your listening to.

The cochlear implant becomes approved by the FDA in 1985, and the decades since have offered the most effective incremental enhancements in the existing technologies. Though those technologies have improved hundreds of thousands of lives, the gadgets aren't foolproof. Often, people, the use them can’t pay attention to as many sounds as human beings with ordinary hearing, resulting in big gaps of frequencies utilized in such things as speech or music. Some human beings pick out now no longer to put on hearing aids because they find them uncomfortable and add little benefit; cochlear implants do include fitness dangers and feature created a rift within the deaf community. For some, none of these interventions work extensively to improve their hearing.

Photo by Mark Paton on Unsplash

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