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Zygomatic implants

Zygomatic implants play a very crucial role in dentistry and implantology. An edentulous patient continues to present a challenge for the dental team. Impairments in the masticatory system and phonetics are usually accompanied by esthetic changes that can ultimately affect the patient's self-esteem.

Uses of Zygomatic implants

It is known that the use of the zygomatic bones as a support structure for attachment of the implant is indicated in total or partial edentulism of the maxilla with extreme resorption.

Zygomatic bone implants were developed as an alternative to the rehabilitation of a documented atrophic posterior maxilla through a classic two-stage protocol or immediate loading.

Zygomatic implants avoid transplants and sinus lift procedures. It contributes to a shorter procedure and more comfortable treatment with less morbidity. Other indications for zygomatic bone implants are failed conventional implants, sinus lift or failed transplant procedures and rehabilitation after tumor resection and trauma.

Zygomatic implants and its history

They were originally invented by Branemark to help people with severe jaw problems, anchor the obturator palate into the zygomatic bone. However, over time, positive clinical reviews have led to the treatment being extended to all heavily edentulous patients where bone grafting could be important.

Contraindications of this type of implant

1)Acute sinusitis

2)Zygomatic bone diseases

3)Underlying malignancy.

4)Chronic sinusitis

The treatment is usually performed under general anesthesia, although recent studies indicate that it is possible for the patient to have a cheekbone implant implanted under local anaesthetics. As much cortical bone as possible was involved as it is crucial for primary stabilization and therefore higher success rates.

The ZIs are anchored in four cortical parts (the alveolar ridge of the palate and the floor of the sinuses) . are extracortical parts) compared to one or up to two cortical parts with regular implant placement. Zygomatic implant grafts have in many cases achieved better clinical outcomes than bone grafts.

For more information on implantology, you can click on the link:

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