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Difference Between Cow Milk and Soy Milk

The distinction that everybody understands between cow milk and soy milk is that cow milk is derived from an animal, whereas soy milk is produced from a plant. However, there are other major variations between cow’s milk and soy milk, which are discussed here. Soy milk is 100% lactose-free, while cow’s milk is not lactose-free. Therefore for lactose intolerant individuals, soy milk is very good. In terms of cow’s milk and soy milk, there is another significant fact. That is, for vegetarians and vegans who do not eat food made from animals, soy milk is the most common and favorite replacement for cow’s milk.

Cow Milk

Cow milk, the milk obtained from cows, is a popular beverage throughout the world and across all age groups. Cow milk, however, contains lactose and certain individuals are allergic to the lactose. That is not because milk is wrong with anything. This is essential because not enough of the lactase enzyme is produced by their bodies. So as a result, drinking anything that contains lactose, like cow’s milk, is uncomfortable for them. There are drugs, however which can be used to relieve the condition. There is lactose-free cow’s milk available on the market because of these lactose-intolerant people. However, researchers have found that for that matter, lactose-free milk may not be 100% lactose-free.

Soy Milk

Soy milk may be best known as a drink, even though it is known as milk. We find that many people with lactose allergies prefer to drink lactose-free milk. In general, it is assumed that soy milk undoubtedly has a great benefit over lactose-free milk. Compared to cow’s milk, soy milk has barely any calcium content or B12 when it comes to nutritional value. Mineral phosphorus is found in soy milk. There are also dietary fibers in soy milk. Also, soy milk has protein, fat, carbohydrates, etc.

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