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How Counselors Can Help couples with infertility counselling during IVF Treatment

Mental health is always neglected by people because the importance of it is not stressed even today, so people deem it unnecessary to take help when they are feeling depressed. Pregnancy is a tough time for all mothers, especially mentally and emotionally. But what’s more difficult is going through infertility and having to choose treatment options such as IVF, surrogacy etc. for it. The couple has to go through an emotionally wrecking stage while dealing with infertility, which often triggers many faces of the patient emotionally, physically, cultural, spiritual, moral or ethical. Although the outcomes can be tumultuous, when distressed, it is often noted that people lean towards their spouse and family rather than deciding on infertility counselling during IVF treatment for advice and support. The primary reason people avoid this is that they don’t believe it is important.

Infertility counselling is a way for patients to understand how they feel about infertility and the treatment procedure. It gives them a better understanding of the choices they make and helps them accommodate their feelings. It is a highly recommended step in the process of seeking in vitro fertilization. The role of IVF therapy is primarily to keep people aware of all possibilities with regard to the psychological, social and legal effects of donor care. Infertility counselling during IVF treatment provides patients with a non-judgmental forum to be clearer about their solutions and to look for what they find best. It makes it easier to make decisions about therapy and whether or not they want it to continue. It provides them with an advanced solution to their confusions and concerns, including clinical assistance in order to resolve the issue in a mature way.  Acceptance, loss, sorrow, future planning and interpersonal challenges are met, and reasonable thought is taken up with ethics.

IVF therapy does not give you the solutions to your scenario, it helps you to find them. Counsellors should not interfere with the actions of the couples themselves or affect them in any way. They only allow patients to speak and listen to them without any advice. It is best to have an IVF therapy session where both partners are open to each other and speak about how they feel about the procedure. This will raise their spirits and allow them to make stronger and more honest treatment decisions. The biggest problem with a place like India is that there is no open discussion of such issues. Infertility therapy is very poor right now in India, and that needs to be reinforced. In India, more than 2.7 million individuals are infertile and that is a jarring figure. Which is why being well-educated about the same thing is equally relevant for individuals. Mostly, patients feel misunderstood and ignored. They are too ashamed to even speak to anybody about this issue. If they dream about approaching a psychiatrist, they are called neurotic or mentally ill. People fail to recognise that it is necessary for therapists and skilled psychiatric support, and most people who need it stay untreated because they appear perfect to everyone. One of the reasons leading to inadequate IVF care can often be unable to meet psychosocial needs.