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UK has the highest death rate for lung conditions in western Europe

Public health experts in the UK called for action amid findings of a recent research that the country has the highest death rate for lung conditions in western Europe, and that the country has the second highest death rate for asthma attacks and bronchitis across all of Europe, after Turkey. According to a data analysis by the charity Asthma and Lung UK, more than 100,000 people in the UK die from conditions including asthma attacks, bronchitis, COPD and pneumonia every year. The data also demonstrated that the death rate is 162.7 per 100,000 people in Turkey and 134.5 in the UK by taking into account hospital data upto 2018. In addition to the concerning statistics, the research also revealed that only 2 percent of the publicly funded research is focused on lung conditions despite them being the third biggest cause of death in the UK.  

Source: theguardian


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