Unconfirmed penicillin allergy labels high among children
Unconfirmed penicillin allergy labels (PAL) could lead to unnecessary use of broad-spectrum, second-line antibiotics, and such instances have been increasingly happening across the world, observed a recent study published in JAMA Network Open. The report however raised serious concerns about the validity of penicillin allergy labels after an examination of 3,30,000 children in two large paediatric primary care networks. The researchers found that penicillin allergy labels (PALs) in children were placed before 2 years of age and after little or no exposure to penicillin. The study also pointed out that 37.7 percent of children with a penicillin allergy label got their label after one penicillin prescription, while 7.9 percent got the label without ever receiving a prescription. Margaret G. Taylor, MD, a clinical postdoctoral fellow at Baylor College, lead author of the study, stressed on the need for reforms in this domain.