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How To Clean And Take Care Of Dental Implants

Dental implants are surgically implanted metal post to help replace a tooth or an artificial tooth. Dental implants are used to replace the roots of a tooth with inserts to replace missing or decayed teeth with artificial teeth that look and function like natural teeth.

Procedures for cleaning and caring for dental implants

The procedures for cleaning and caring for dental implants:

i)Implant teeth need to be cleaned and cared for properly in order to maintain their appearance and functionality.

ii)Use a soft bristle toothbrush: Soft bristles are less likely to damage your gums or cause bleeding, and are just as effective at removing tartar and plaque as medium-hard ones or hard bristles.

iii)You should brush your teeth twice a day

iv)You should use a water rinse or floss

v)Use a lightly abrasive toothpaste

vi)Use a rubber-tipped stimulator - bacteria and plaque can collect under and around the crown of the implant, increase the risk of developing peri-implantitis.

To reach these areas, you should use a curved-necked toothbrush or a small-headed interdental brush, especially if the implant is behind the mouth.

Bacteria and plaque can accumulate under and around the implant crown, increasing the risk of peri-implantitis. To reach these areas, you should use a curved neck brush or small-headed interdental brush, especially if you are 98 years old and have an implant in the back of your mouth.

The dental hygienist has an important role in keeping dental implants disease free.

Traditional oral scalers used on natural teeth can scratch the crown, abutment, or implant, so the hygienist uses special plastic and resin tools instead to clean the depth of the cavity without causing damage.

Implant recipients also play an important role in the success of their own reconstruction and need to be motivated to take care of the implant.





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