Creativity in medical communication can help in bridging the healthcare gap
“The world is an open art gallery and we are here to fill it with our creative paintings, sketches and canvases”. In today’s time, professional etiquettes and qualifications are almost secondary skills for a company to work or a product to sell. The need for creativity and the ability to create unique, and amazing ideas and blending them into the communication patterns of an organization is the new demand in the current market. One of the main reasons for this is because creativity is not measured in awards and accolades, it’s always reflected in outcomes and the company’s success. In healthcare, blending creativity in medical communication is all about patient engagement and communicating with healthcare providers.
The creativity in healthcare is always seen in the design process of the medical communication crowd such as medico- marketers, pharma sales groups and pharma sales representatives. The flow of creativity in medical communication is dependent on facilitating better dialogue within groups. Empathy and imagination are the two ingredients that brew a heavenly recipe of creative medical communication within different settings.
Creativity is all about imagination in healthcare. It’s learning and unpacking and finding a solution to the problem. It is the other half of the equation faced by doctors, nurses, carers, technicians, pharmacists, and others who can not be taken to the party. Their emphasis is rightly around ‘doing no harm’ and evidence-supported logical prescription therapeutic pathways. Scientists, advertisers, media liaisons, and brand managers are all trying to make time for it.
If we want to transcend this agreed status quo to a more heavenly and safe state within the healthcare sector, we need to consider why we should empathize. We need to understand why we should become experts in feeding our coworkers, healthcare practitioners, pharmaceutical business teams, and eventually the patients waiting to be served at the table.
Therefore the creative process is not just about performance. Creative thinking is as critical as creative execution – and a more collaborative organizational approach can well benefit the industry. Yet insight is the secret to success – there is no point in being innovative merely for the sake of it. Stuart Mayell says, “Pharmaceutical companies are rightly reticent about ‘big ideas.’ We ask customers too much to buy on gut-feel or a hunch that an idea is right. Agencies ought to base knowledge and facts on their innovative methods and concepts. This alone will create the confidence needed to make creativity the standard in healthcare communications. Pharmaceutical marketers need to ensure that all innovative messages, not a single medium, are rooted in knowing the audience. This will ensure that ideas, messages hit home, and behavior are better modified.