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Technologies that could change cancer treatment in future

In healthcare, technology and digital innovation are becoming increasingly popular. From diagnostic and imaging tools to life science technology solutions, healthcare is evolving at a much faster rate than ever. Among all of the areas in healthcare, The field of cancer treatment and care is in the forefront where technology has had a big impact.

Curing cancer is obviously the biggest question of the century . In the last two decades, our understanding of cancer has vastly advanced. This has exposed the enormous variation that exists not just between various types of cancer, but also between persons with the same malignancy. It is becoming increasingly clear that there will be no single “cure.” Rather, each patient will be treated individually based on their needs. But, in order for personalized medicine to become a reality, we’ll need a vast selection of treatments to cover the entire cancer spectrum. Some of the cancer treatment powdered by the new-age technology that may change the whole game are :

IBM Watson

The IBM platform has created a broad vision of bringing “data, technology and expertise together to transform healthcare”. The impact of its cancer initiatives are expansive and may change how we have been treating cancer since decades. It involves medical imaging solutions that will help in care delivery and transform raw data into actionable insights. IBM can also help to decrease the complexity of clinical trials while simultaneously  reducing their costs. And the most vital aspect of IBM holds the promise to make research and handling health data more easy through its AI structure.

Project Mechono-Control and Edit  

Two groundbreaking initiatives, Mechano-Control and Edit, funded by the European Commission’s FET program and focusing on breast and bladder tumors, respectively, may provide the tools needed to better detect and treat them non-invasively.

A multidisciplinary team of researchers led by the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia is working on the Mechano-Control project. Its goal is to learn more about how mechanical forces affect fundamental biological processes like embryonic development, tumor growth, and wound healing, which could lead to new cancer research approaches. Similarly, the Edit project, launched in 2018 by the Ospedale San Raffaele in Italy, in collaboration with seven other European and Israeli partners, employs a biomechanical approach to the study of cancer. However, it focuses on the extracellular matrix (ECM) of the bladder as a unique biomarker of the early onset of cancer

Alpha-therapy Pb-214-TCMC-trastuzumab

Preclinical trials of a novel radiopharmaceutical for the treatment of ovarian cancer have yielded positive results, with tumor growth and mass being limited. The new radiopharmaceutical, which is designed exclusively for ovarian malignancies that are resistant to existing therapy, can be made in 25 minutes at a cheap cost, resulting in higher efficiency than alternative procedures. The targeted alpha-therapy Pb-214-TCMC-trastuzumab was developed in the trial using a novel generator technology to treat HER2-positive ovarian cancer.