Association of a Third Dose of BNT162b2 Vaccine With Incidence of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Among Health Care Workers in Israel
Salient Features
- A total of 1650 participants (85.6%) (Average age 41 years) received the booster dose(Israel)
- Five(5) SARS-CoV-2 infections occurred in booster-immunized participants and 39 in booster-nonimmunized participants (incidence rate, 12.8 vs 116 per 100 000 person-days, respectively). with an estimated relative reduction of 93%
Conclusion – Administration of a booster dose compared with not receiving one was associated with a significantly lower rate of SARS-CoV-2 infection
Dr. G C. Khilnani – Take on the study
Normal life across the globe is shattered with this pandemic and everyone is desperately looking forward to normal life with free travel and socializing with a sense of freedom. The vaccine had shown the light at end of the tunnel for the same. Vaccine hesitancy and inequality of availability of vaccine added by unpredictable variants have hampered a return to NORMAL LIFE. Breakthrough infections have been a major setback to the outcome of the vaccination programs and the timing and benefit of 3rd dose is always a query in anybody’s mind. Also, the relationship of the level of antibodies to protection from infection is not linear.
We know and believe that vaccination reduces the severity of disease and mortality. This systematic study proves the benefit of booster (3rd dose) in Omicron Update Benefit of Booster Dose on the incidence of Covid in young Health care workers
reducing the rate of infection (risk reduction 93%). Incomplete coverage with the vaccine leads to infection of immunocompromised persons leading to a higher probability of mutations. Therefore, it is important to vaccinate the whole world, including children, to achieve HERD IMMUNITY so that this disease becomes ENDEMIC.

Dr. G C Khilnani Chairman, PSRI Institute of Pulmonary, Critical care and Sleep Medicine. Formerly, Professor and Head, Dept of Pulmonary, Critical care and Sleep Med Medicine, AIIMS, N Delhi