Demand for Homeopathy medicine spikes due to COVID-19
Demand for Homeopathy medicine spik...

Many patients are taking preventive COVID-19 medicines which mostly include homeopathy medicines. Due to which demand for homeopathy medicine is ri...

Certificate course in modern pharma...

Pharmacology is a great medical field that expands beyond drugs and medicines.  Pharmacologists Study the impact chemicals have on living organisms...

The use of homeopathic drug Arsenicum album 30 against COVID-19
The use of homeopathic drug Arsenic...

Every day we see new prevention techniques or drugs like hydroxychloroquine making the news headlines as they are suggested to work against COVID-1...

World Homeopathy Day: History, Importance and More
World Homeopathy Day: History, Impo...

Homeopathy is a science of medicine that works on the concept that diseases can be cured by the body’s own healing process. Medicines in Home...

History of Homeopathy in India
History of Homeopathy in India

Homeopathy is an alternative holistic medical system in which natural substances like plants and minerals are diluted to prepare medicines and thes...