Healthcare is entering the world of...
The Healthcare industry has long entered the technological age and has been progressing since then. New medical innovations such as AI-assisted sta...

Blockchain in Healthcare and its be...
What is Blockchain? In simple terms, Blockchain technology means digital information stored in a public database. It stores information about trans...

Pharma analytics can be improved wi...
Pharmaceutical companies have often counted on scientific data to classify patterns, research hypotheses, and the efficiency of treatments. Data a...

Could artificial intelligence repla...
Artificial Intelligence and Automation has made a huge impact on the way modern life and businesses work nowadays. They are already eliminating bas...

Healthcare Should Leverage Blockcha...
Flip a decade and you were actually talking about this unique technology, don’t you agree? Plus, it comes with a baggage of words like, “decentrali...

Blockchain Can Help Combat Counterf...
In the 1980s, counterfeit drugs problem came to the fore when an increasing number of WHO (World Health Organisation) member states pointed towards...