Nearly 500K Americans diagnosed wit...
If you live or spend time in grassy and heavily wooded areas where ticks carrying Lyme disease thrive, you’re more likely to get Lyme disease...

One-sixth of all infectious disease...
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that vector-borne diseases are more than one-sixth of all infectious diseases. In other words, diseas...

High light pollution could impact t...
Increased biting of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, which usually fly and bite in the early morning and in the afternoon, highlights the concern that hig...

Tackling Dengue by turning female m...
In recent decades the global incidence of dengue has risen significantly. Approximately half the world population is now at risk. An approximate 10...

COVID-19 is not seasonal disease ex...
Many of the infectious diseases are more common during specific seasons. For example, Influenza does better in winter because of the factors such a...

Covid pandemic lock-down may be cau...
The COVID-19 pandemic lock-down has already driven people and the economy to the edge as governments and health organizations are unsuccessful in c...