The Current applications and future...
In recent years, AI research, particularly in thoracic imaging, has evolved. AI aids in virtual biopsies and treatment response prediction. Numerou...

Pharma analytics can be improved wi...
Pharmaceutical companies have often counted on scientific data to classify patterns, research hypotheses, and the efficiency of treatments. Data a...

Artificial Intelligence – The futur...
Artificial Intelligence normally performs human cognitive functions with ease and quickness adding perfection and intelligence to it. Over the last...

Could artificial intelligence repla...
Artificial Intelligence and Automation has made a huge impact on the way modern life and businesses work nowadays. They are already eliminating bas...

Technology-Induced Healthcare Trans...
Technological advancements are progressively incorporated into the healthcare system for a healthier tomorrow. The primary aim of technology is not...

Healthcare data in emerging economi...
Data is the new oil. The sheer amount of data that is being generated by corporations, healthcare, IT companies, etc. on a daily basis is humungous...