The benefits of ePrescribing
Electronic prescribing, also known as ePrescribing, is fully changing today’s way of delivering healthcare around the globe. It also plays a ...

Five trends to watch out for in the...
With COVID-19 bringing the evolution in the healthcare industry, the pharma sector is going to have new trends. Consumer behavior has seen a substa...

How can virtual pharma companies’ d...
The big pharma companies and well-established pharma companies who are existing in the pharma industry for a long time are already the expertise of...

E-pharmacies of India will grow imm...
COVID-19 pandemic has proven a boon for the telemedicine and e-pharmacy industry, as medical care is being delivered to each and every household th...

Demand for pharmacovigilance servic...
Pharmacovigilance (PV) is pharmacological science where service providers help in collection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse eff...

How COVID-19 Has Changed Indian Pharma
Being the hub of generics, Indian pharma industry is a one of the huge markets of the world. It accounts for 3% of the global pharma sector, with 4...