Epilepsy is a very common mental health condition that causes frequent but persistent seizures and epilepsy treatment is quite common to reduce seizures among patients. A seizure is when an individual experiences sudden, an uncontrolled electrical disturbance in the brain – triggering changes in behavior, movements, or feelings, and even in levels of consciousness. The condition is often chronic, but can better and slow down with proper epilepsy treatment and care over time.
Most widely known possible symptoms of epilepsy include:
- Uncontrollable shaking and jerking – commonly known as a fit
- Body getting stiff
- Losing awareness and staring blankly into space
- Collapsing
- Strange sensations such as cramps or rising in the stomach, etc.
Most people can overcome their seizures by undergoing epilepsy treatment. Proper medication and care can have epileptic patients who have fewer seizures or completely stop having seizures completely. Epilepsy treatments include:
- Antiepileptic drugs, which are the main treatment
- Surgery to remove the affected part in the brain
- Procedure to insert a small electrical device inside the body to help control seizures
- A special diet (keto-based) to reduce seizure occurrences
When it comes to epilepsy treatment, there is a need to optimize the treatment and medication with vigabatrin, one of the most common and prescribed antiepileptic drugs after oxcarbazepine and lamotrigine.
Coming to treating epileptic patients with comorbidities, there are various treatment options available that extend far beyond seizure control. Many comorbidities have a significant impact on the medical management and quality of life of epileptic patients.
Comorbidities are one or more additional disorders that coexist with a primary condition, which in this case, is epilepsy. It has been noted that there are multiple comorbid conditions associated with epilepsy.
Comorbidities can affect epilepsy treatment choice. For instance, medications that have a negative impact on cognition should be avoided in people with significant cognitive impairments. Some antiepileptic medications can also have a negative impact on mood and behavior, and hence, should be used with caution in people dealing with depression. AEDs (antiepileptic drugs) can also cause adverse effects on behavior, and these effects may occur more in people having coexisting behavioral comorbidities.
One thing to keep in mind while treating epilepsy patients is that if they are given the drug quickly with an immediately increased dosage to the highest level, there are chances of several side effects. That is why they are required to start slow and increase the efficacy level each week.
More of such useful information on epilepsy treatment with comorbidities is explained in a detailed webinar, along with answers to the following questions by experts – Click here for the free webinar
- How many AEDs can be co-prescribed to control epilepsy?
- Epileptic patients with psychosis, is an antipsychotic drug ideal?
- What is the determining factor when choosing an AED especially in women with epilepsy?
- Which are the drugs used in the treatment of uncontrolled partial-onset seizures or focal onset seizures?

Dr. Elinor Ben Menachem, Professor of Neurology & Epilepsy at the University of Goteborg, Sahlgrenska Academy, Department Head at Institute for Clinical Neuroscience