Genomics tools empowering transformation in healthcare
Genomics tools empowering transform...

Genomics has gained a leading role within clinical medicine over the last decade, making deep inroads into oncology (cancer), cardiology, neurology...

How does 2020 Nobel Prize-winning CRISPR technology work?
How does 2020 Nobel Prize-winning C...

This year’s winners of the 2020 Nobel Prize in chemistry harnessed the humble bacteria’s long-evolved protection mechanism to construct...

Genome sequencing accelerates cancer detection
Genome sequencing accelerates cance...

Genomic information has proven crucial in recognizing hereditary diseases, characterizing the mutations that drive cancer progression, and monitor ...

COVID-19 Mutation and what that means for a Vaccine
COVID-19 Mutation and what that mea...

A significant breakthrough in the battle against COVID-19 came in early January 2020, when for the first time the entire viral genome was sequenced...

Counter the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria by CDDEP
Counter the emergence of antibiotic...

Today we see more antibiotics in hospitals, clinics, pharmaceutical companies, and even in the houses of people. Scientists and experts are scared ...

Fundamental molecular research can increase our ability to combat COVID-19
Fundamental molecular research can ...

The sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 genome was given to the world after a few days of discovery of the infection. This sequencing was done with the help...