Remodeling of LA function in CHF pa...
Dr. Kamal Kumar Chawla DM Cardiology, SGPGIMS Lucknow, Interventional Cardiologist, Malla Reddy Narayana Specialty Hospital. Previous resea...

Current air pollution standards tie...
Air pollution is one of the biggest environmental challenges facing humanity today. It is a complex mix of chemicals and particles that can harm ou...

Measles outbreak hits Mumbai
With ten deaths during the last month and a spike in instances, India’s monetary capital town Mumbai is observing a measles outbreak. Measles is no...

Why See an Allergists for Asthma?
Allergies are one of the most common complaints in the world. Allergies worldwide have been on the rise for nearly 50 years, and today nearly 50% o...

Increased incidence of COVID-19 bre...
A recently published study has revealed that people diagnosed with a psychiatric condition are more likely to catch Covid-19 after being fully vacc...

Data show most pregnant women with ...
Women who receive the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine during pregnancy pass high levels of antibodies to their babies, a new study finds. The effectiveness o...