The novel COVID-19 or coronavirus that started in December 2019 has now put the whole world into a danger zone. People in every continent are asked to practice isolation since the coronavirus is spreading like wildfire. Now the coronavirus has picked up a fast pace as cluster of infections is appearing instead of the earlier popping of solitary cases. But like those pandemics in the past, the situation of fear, worry, and board open communication has led to the spreading of misinformation and coronavirus myths along with the virus. 

Below are many of the coronavirus myths that are currently circulating on social media and beyond:


  • Only older people and small children are at risk: Coronavirus also known as SARS-CoV-2 infection can infect anyone that comes in the contact with the virus, irrespective of the age of the person. However, older people and small children with pre-existing health conditions and weak immune systems are more likely to become ill because of those problems.
  • Applying Chlorine or alcohol on the skin kills the virus: Chlorine or alcohol disinfectants are safe for cleaning the surfaces of things but applying them on the skin cause allergies, rashes, burning sensation. These products cannot kill the viruses within the body. If these products enter eyes or mouths, they can do more harm.
  • Everyone that has coronavirus will die: According to a WHO report, around 80% of people will experience a relatively mild form of the disease, which will not require specialist hospital treatment. If one follows proper instructions given by the doctors, he/she can recover immediately from COVID-19. The above statement is completely untrue – all the people with coronavirus will not die.
  • Rinsing the nose with saline products and gargling with bleach will protect against coronavirus: There is no evidence that a saline nasal rinse or bleach gargle will benefit health and protect against any kind of virus. The scientist doesn’t approve of such techniques. Bleach is corrosive and can cause serious damage.
  • You have to be with someone for 10 minutes to catch the virus: The more you are with an ‘infected’ person, the more likely you are to catch the virus which can be in less than 10 minutes. It is safe to practice social distancing, as one is not aware of the infection in a person.
  • Coronavirus can be diagnosed using thermal scanners: Thermal scanners are used to measure the temperature of a person’s body and whether he/she has a fever or not. Thermal scanners can help to keep track of body temperature during the treatment for coronavirus but it cannot be used to determine whether a person has coronavirus or not.
  • Home remedies can cure and protect against COVID-19: Recently, many home remedies surfaced on the internet that was believed to cure coronavirus. The products such as vitamin C, essential oils, silver colloid, sesame oil, garlic, fish tank cleaner, burning sage, cow urine, cow dung or sipping water every 15 minutes, etc aren’t scientifically or medically proven to cure or prevent coronavirus. The best approach for prevention is a good handwashing regimen and maintaining cleanliness.
  • Along with these, some other rumors regarding coronavirus which are completely false are:
  1. COVID-19 is just like the flu.
  2.  Cats and dogs spread coronavirus.
  3. Hand dryers kill coronavirus.
  4. SARS-CoV-2 is just a mutated form of the common cold.
  5. Antibiotics kill coronavirus.
  6. Parcels from China can spread coronavirus.
  7. You can catch coronavirus from urine and feces.
  8. The virus will die off when temperatures rise in the spring.
  9. Flu and pneumonia vaccines protect against COVID-19.
  10.  The outbreak began because people ate bat soup.

During the coronavirus myths and false facts just add to the trouble. Cross-checking details is an excellent way of coping at this period. Trust source like WHO. Government Officials, The United Nations (UN), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, provide authentic information which is the need of the hour.