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The Benefits of Minimally Invasive Techniques in Orthopedic Surgery

Minimally Invasive Techniques surgery refers to any surgical procedure that is performed through tiny incisions instead of a large opening. Because your surgeon will make smaller incisions, you will likely have a quicker recovery time and less pain than traditional open surgery but with the same benefits as traditional surgery. The first arthroscopy (a minimally invasive surgery technique we use to see inside a joint) was performed in the early 1900’s. Since then, technological advances have allowed the medical community to create new and better minimally invasive techniques to help patients heal faster with less pain. Minimally Invasive Techniques :


This minimally invasive surgery involves making two or more small incisions in the knee, then using a camera mounted on a thin, flexible tube—a tool called an arthroscope—to visualize the interior of the joint. Small surgical tools are inserted through the other incisions, and the entire operation is broadcast to a television screen. The surgeon uses this enlarged image on the screen to guide the instruments and make whatever repairs are necessary.


In this procedure, an arthroscope is inserted into the hip joint through a small incision, while surgical tools are inserted through other incisions. As with other types of arthroscopy, the surgeon views the joint and manipulates the instruments using the enlarged images provided by the arthroscope. Hip arthroscopy can help relieve painful symptoms of many problems impacting the labrum, articular cartilage, or other soft tissues surrounding the hip joint.


A common minimally invasive surgery, shoulder arthroscopy also uses an arthroscope and specialized tools to visualize the joint and perform repairs. It is used to relieve painful symptoms caused by damage to the rotator cuff tendons, labrum, articular cartilage, and other soft tissues surrounding the joint.


Wrist arthroscopy may be a good alternative to traditional surgery for wrist injuries and other painful wrist conditions. It is widely used for carpal tunnel release procedures, and may also be used for:

  •       Fracture repair
  •       Ligament/TFCC (triangular fibrocartilage complex) tear repair
  •       Diagnosing or treating chronic wrist pain

Minimally Invasive Total Joint Replacement

Many different types of joint replacement, including hip, knee, and shoulder, can now be performed through minimally invasive surgery.

In a total joint replacement, the damaged or worn surfaces of the joint are removed and replaced with artificial joint components that are cemented or screwed into place. In traditional joint replacement surgery, a large incision is necessary in order to expose the entire joint.

Minimally invasive joint replacement uses small incisions and disturbs the surrounding soft tissue as little as possible. The incision in a minimally invasive knee replacement surgery is usually less than 6 inches, compared to the 10 inches in traditional surgery, according to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons.


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