According to a new study published in the American Journal of Dentistry, raising sugar-free chewing gum intake by only one piece a day could save billions of dollars worldwide on dental expenses from treating tooth decay. The data is important given tooth decay, and oral diseases rank fourth among the most costly global health conditions to be treated, according to the WHO. Chewing sugar free gum help protect your teeth and gums between meals even if you haven’t cleaned your teeth with a toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

The sugar-free gum has no sugar in it. Using sweeteners, the flavor is restored, and so the gum doesn’t cause tooth decay. Over a period of time the gum releases its flavors much like ordinary gum. Once you have eaten your teeth are more at risk of acid attack. Plaque bacteria create the acid and the sugars in our food and drink, and it gradually dissolves the tooth’s enamel and dentin to create a void or ‘cavity.’ (Plaque is a thin, sticky film that tends to grow on the teeth. It includes several forms of bacteria that can cause rotting of the tooth and gum disease). By chewing sugar-free gum you can this acid attack, as it helps the mouth produce more saliva-the natural protection of the mouth against acid.

A decreased supply of saliva is also the source of dry mouth and poor breath. The mouth produces more saliva when you chew sugar-free gum, and can reduce the effects of dry mouth and bad breath. Chewing is best shortly after eating. CIt’s suggested after eating and drinking on the go, to chew sugar-free gum. We don’t suggest chewing gum for children under seven. Yet it’s something parents need to know. Some chewing gums can contain glycerin from animals, and are not suitable for vegetarians. Most sugar-free gums, however, now contain only one form of non-animal glycerin and are ideal for vegetarians. Those with other types of dentures may find that sugar-free gum sticks to the denture ‘s teeth and palate. Unless you have a belt, the sugar-free gum is not recommended.